
Payments Team Self Service

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


GOV.UK Pay Self Service portal (Node.js)

We use Architecure Decision Records to keep track of the history of software design decisions on this application. Please see docs/arch.

Key environment variables

if you wish to override any variables, please do the following:


cd $WORKSPACE/pay-selfservice/config
cp dev-env.json.example dev-env.json

to edit

cd ~/workspace/pay-selfservice/config
vi dev-env.json

to test

npm run compile && npm test

to run

LOCAL_ENV=true msl run

Variable required default value Description
PORT X 9200 The port number for the express server to be bound at runtime
SESSION_ENCRYPTION_KEY X key to be used by the cookie encryption algorithm. Should be a large unguessable string (More Info).
PUBLIC_AUTH_URL X The publicauth endpoint to use when API Tokens.
PUBLIC_AUTH_URL X The endpoint to connector base URL.
SECURE_COOKIE_OFF false/undefined To switch off generating secure cookies. Set this to true only if you are running self service in a non HTTPS environment.
HTTP_PROXY_ENABLED false/undefined To enable proxying outbound traffic of HTTP(S) requests. If set to true make sure to set the following 3 variables
NO_PROXY host:port(s) that need to be by passed by the proxy. Supports comma separated list
NODE_WORKER_COUNT 1 The number of worker threads started by node cluster when run in production mode

#set this to 'true' only if you are running self service in a non HTTPS environment. SECURE_COOKIE_OFF=true

Transaction list

View the transaction list for a given account id.

    GET /transactions

Transaction Search

Search transactions by reference, status and from and to date

    POST /transactions
Form param always present Description
reference X The service reference for a given payment
email X The user email address used for the given payment
status X The payment status
fromDate X A starting date to search for payments
toDate X An ending date to search for payments

Transaction Events list

View the transaction events list for a given account id.

    GET /transactions/{chargeId}
Path param always present Description
chargeId X The charge Id for which the transaction events should be retrieved

Developer tokens

Generate, edit and revoke tokens for a given account id.



MIT License

Responsible Disclosure

GOV.UK Pay aims to stay secure for everyone. If you are a security researcher and have discovered a security vulnerability in this code, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us in a responsible manner. We will give appropriate credit to those reporting confirmed issues. Please e-mail gds-team-pay-security@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk with details of any issue you find, we aim to reply quickly.