
Socialblade is a well known company which maintains statistics of YouTube channels, Instagram accounts and many more. Their website features a page which shows Top 5000 YouTube channels and some basic information about them. I wanted to use those values for performing EDA, so I decided to scrap it. The data contains Socialblade Rankings of top 5000 YouTube channels. The data can be used for finding useful insights and the revealing possible correlations between the features of the channels and their respective rankings. Note: This work is not sponsored by Socialblade and is just one of an outcome of a fun project made using Data Science technologies. The project does not aim at violation of any policies or privacy since the data on the website is publicly available.

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Socialblade is a well known company which maintains statistics of YouTube channels, Instagram accounts and many more. Their website features a page which shows Top 5000 YouTube channels and some basic information about them. I wanted to use those values for performing EDA, so I decided to scrap it. The data contains Socialblade Rankings of top 5000 YouTube channels. The data can be used for finding useful insights and the revealing possible correlations between the features of the channels and their respective rankings. Note: This work is not sponsored by Socialblade and is just one of an outcome of a fun project made using Data Science technologies. The project does not aim at violation of any policies or privacy since the data on the website is publicly available.