
A grab bag of xri/iname utilities mixed up with some general Rails utilities.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A set of modules and classes that Linksafe and its relying parties use for common tasks including but not limited to iname processing.


Set up the Gemfile

Include the AtLinksafe gem in your Rails application Gemfile:

gem 'at_linksafe', :github => 'mmell/at_linksafe'

This project was originally available in the vendor/plugins of the Linksafe Ibroker on [Soureforge](linksafe.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/linksafe/rails/ibroker/trunk/vendor/plugins/at_linksafe)

To Do

We don’t need the engine behavior. The gem is simpler to maintain if we don’t inject behavior in the controller and views. Therefore, we should remove lib/at_linksafe/engine.rb. However, a rails app may be required to define module ProxyResolver outside of this gem.

This project is released under the MIT-LICENSE.