
A mountable rails gem to handle the pattern of verifying access to an email address.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



Set up the Gemfile

Include the CommunityResolver gem in your Rails application Gemfile:

gem 'verify_email', :git => 'git://github.com/mmell/verify_email.git'

Add the table to your database:

rake verify_email:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

Add the route

In your Rails application, add a route

mount VerifyEmail::Engine => "/emails"

then the url will be

Create an initializer:

# config/initializers/verify_email_gem.rb
module VerifyEmail
  From = 'do-not-reply@example.com'

All verification emails will contain a From header with this value. There is no facility to configure different From addresses for individual users or workflows.

Set a default host for urls in email messages in config/application.rb

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "example.com" }

To verify a user’s email address

In the controller action that wants to verify emails generate a url to redirect to once the process has succeeded;

continue_to = url_for(:only_path => false)

Then redirect the user to the VerifyEmail route:

redirect_to(new_verify_email_path(:continue_to => continue_to))

The gem will present a form in the main Rails application layout asking the user to submit their email address. A valid email submission will route to a page instructing the user to retrieve the verification email message and with an opportunity to submit a new email or retry the existing email address.

This project was originally available in the vendor/plugins of the Linksafe Ibroker on [Soureforge](linksafe.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/linksafe/rails/ibroker/trunk/vendor/plugins/verify_email)

This project is released under the MIT-LICENSE.