
A simple exercise app meant for learning how to use RethinkDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

RethinkDB Workshop

Learn the basics of RethinkDB and ReQL(RethinkDB query language) through building a simple chat app.

This repo teaches you the basics of ReQL by having the user write ReQL queries to get this chat app to work.


#1 Install RethinkDB and Node.js

If using Mac:

brew install rethinkdb
brew install node

After install RethinkDB and Node.js, go the root directory of the repo and install all dependencies.

npm install

#2 Creating database tables, and indexes

Go to the data explorer (http://localhost:8080/#dataexplorer) and run the following commands.

This step is optional, since the node app wil create these automatically

Create the database:


Create the messages table:


Create the users table with email as the primary key:

r.db("rethinkdb_workshop").tableCreate("users", { primaryKey: "email" });
Create a `created` secondary index on the `messages` table:
## Instructions

**To get started, take a look at the instructions in the server/index.js file**

After starting node and creating the necessary tables, you can now start writing ReQL queries to complete the excercise.

Complete all 5 steps to get the chat app working. Each step will involve writing a ReQL query to get a part of the app working.

1. Sign up: [/server/auth/authcontroller.js:L20](https://github.com/thejsj/rethinkdb-workshop/blob/master/server/auth/auth-controller.js#L20)
2. Login (2.1 and 2.2): [/server/auth/index.js:L28 and L29](https://github.com/thejsj/rethinkdb-workshop/blob/master/server/auth/index.js#L28)
3. Inserting messages: [/server/index.js:116](https://github.com/thejsj/rethinkdb-workshop/blob/master/server/index.js#L124)
4. Getting messages: [/server/index.js:L55](https://github.com/thejsj/rethinkdb-workshop/blob/master/server/index.js#L76)
5. Listening for messages: [/server/index.js:L90](https://github.com/thejsj/rethinkdb-workshop/blob/master/server/index.js#L103)

After completing these 5 steps, your chat app will run correctly.

**If you get stuck**:

Don't spend more than **10 minutes** on any single step. If you get stuck, there are branches with the solutions for each step. Consult these branches and move on to the next one.

**Extra credit:**

If you finish with all steps, consider implementing some of the following features:

1. Adding rooms to chat app
2. Displaying users in room/chat
3. Add multiple nodes to the RethinkDB cluter
4. Add message search
5. Add message liking
6. Add the ability to delete messages

### Step 1 : Creating user

**Query instructions:**

Write a query that checks if a user exists in the database and inserts a document with `email` and `password` if it doesn't and returns false if the use already exists

HINT: Don't use the [`filter`](http://rethinkdb.com/api/javascript/filter/) method
ADVANCED: Try using the [`branch`](http://rethinkdb.com/api/javascript/branch/) method


Once you have completed this query correctly, you'll be able to sign up in the front-end and see the registered user in the database. You won't be able to sign in.

### Step 2.1 : Login

**Query instructions:**

Write a query that gets a user through by his email the `email` field is the table's primary key. The result should be an object with the user email and password hash

HINT: Don't use the [`filter`](http://rethinkdb.com/api/javascript/filter/) method

**Callback instructions:**

Once the user has been returned, pass it to the `done` function as the second argument:
  done(null, user);

Once you complete the 2 queries in this file, you'll be able to log in to the site.

### Step 2.2 : User login

**Query instructions:**

Write a query to get a user by their email

**Callback instructions:**

Check to see if the user exists (is not `null`) and if the password submitted by the user matches the password in the database.

If the user is null, call `done` with `null` and `false`
  done(null, false);
If the passwords dont match, call `done` with `null` and `false`
  done(null, false);
If the user is found, call `done` with `null`, and the user object
  done(null, user);

After completing step 2.1 and this step, you'll be able to login with the created account.

### Step 3 : Inserting messages

**Query instructions:**

Insert a document into the `messages` table with the following attributes: `text`, `email`, `created`


`text`: A string with the message text from the user
`email`: An email address that exists in the `users` table
`created`: A Unix Timestamp `(new Date()).getTime()`


**Callback instructions:**

There is no need for a callback.


Once you write this query, you'll be able to insert new messages in the front-end and see them in the database

### Step 4: Getting messages

**Query instructions:**

Write a query that gets all messages, ordered by `created` (a secondary index)

**Callback instructions:**

Return the messages array as a JSON document through `res`:

Once you have written this query, you'll be able to see all previously inserted messages when loading the page

### Step 5 : listening for messages

**Query instructions:**

Write a query that listens to changes in the `messages` table.

HINT: the query will return a cursor, not an array
HINT: the objects return by the cursor have a `new_val` and an `old_val` property


**Callback instructions:**

Every time a change is pushed by the database, push that change to the client by emitting a socket event:
  socket.emit('message', row.new_val);


Once you write this query, you'll be able to see new messages be displayed as they are being added

### Running Node

Run the node server using the following command:

# Mac and Linux
npm run dev
# Windows
node server