Creating a Web Service with Flask, Postgres, Docker, Nginx, and Gunicorn

I created a basic and fully functioning production web service that allows you to create an account, make tweets, and search tweets from all users. To accomplish this, I first created a development site on a local server and databse. I then conected the application to postgres and netcat allowing me to shift from the local site to a production site. I also used a Dockerfile to distinguish my production and development code. This new Dockerfile used multi-stage build to help reduce my final Docker image size. I added Nginx to serve as a reverse proxy for Gunicorn to handle user requests and static files.

Build Instructions

Once in the root folder, ensure no docker instances are running by entering

$ docker-compose -f down -v

Confirm Docker has no instances with

$ docker ps

Then, build the production code with the command

$ docker-compose -f up -d --build

This calls the necessary production files and should build an instance of this web project. We will then start our Postgres database with the following command

$ docker-compose -f exec web python create_db

In order to view the web service on your local browser use port forwarding on another terminal with the port specification -L localhost:2727:localhost:2727.

You can then visit http://localhost:2727/upload on any compatible browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) to upload your photo and view it at http://localhost:2727/media/IMAGE_FILE_NAME.