
Simple demo application using maven and jersey JAX-RS libraries

Primary LanguageJava

RESTful Java Services Demo

This project is a demo java application for Jersey based java JAX-RS services. The demonstration is for use in simepl client applications for test purposes.

Once deployed the following services are supported /services/hello/hello/{name} - returns simple string with greeting /services/petclinic/sleep/{sleep-time} - returns simple string after executing SQL sleep in mysql instance. /services/petclinic/owners/ - returns a json list of all owners in the database (see setup) /services/json/music/list - returns a json list of tracks /services/json/music/get - returns a single track as a json hash object


Create a mysql database and use the mysqldump file in src/main/resources to create the tables and populate them. Update the context.xml file with the correct settings for the PetclinicDB. Assuming maven is installed run mvn package Deploy the NRServices.war to a Tomcat or Jetty server and start up.

Test the server using http://:/NRServices/services/hello/hello/ in a browser