
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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psycopg2_mq is a message queue implemented on top of PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and psycopg2.

Currently the library provides only the low-level constructs that can be used to build a multithreaded worker system. It is broken into two components:

  • psycopg2_mq.MQWorker - a reusable worker object that manages a single-threaded worker that can accept jobs and execute them. An application should create worker per thread. It supports an API for thread-safe graceful shutdown.
  • psycopg2_mq.MQSource - a source object providing a client-side API for invoking and querying job states.

It is expected that these core components are then wrapped into your own application in any way that you see fit, without dictating a specific CLI or framework.

Data Model


Workers run jobs defined in queues. Currently each queue will run jobs concurrently, while a future version may support serial execution on a per-queue basis. Each registered queue should contain an execute_job(job) method.


The execute_job method of a queue is passed a Job object containing the following attributes:

  • id
  • queue
  • method
  • args
  • cursor

As a convenience, there is an extend(**kw) method which can be used to add extra attributes to the object. This is useful in individual queues to define a contract between a queue and its methods.


A Job can be scheduled with a cursor_key. There can only be one pending job and one running job for any cursor. New jobs scheduled while another one is pending will be ignored and the pending job is returned.

A job.cursor dict is provided to the workers containing the cursor data, and is saved back to the database when the job is completed. This effectively gives jobs some persistent, shared state, and serializes all jobs over a given cursor.

Delayed Jobs

A Job can be delayed to run in the future by providing a datetime object to the when argument. This, along with a cursor key, can provide a nice throttle on how frequently a job runs. For example, delay jobs to run in 30 seconds with a cursor_key and any jobs that are scheduled in the meantime will be dropped. The assumption here is that the arguments are constant and data for execution is in the cursor or another table. As a last resort, a conflict_resolver callback can be used to modify properties of the job when arguments cannot be constant.


A JobSchedule can be defined which supports RFC 5545 RRULE schedules. These are powerful and can support timezones, frequencies based on calendars as well as simple recurring rules from an anchor time using DTSTART. Cron jobs can be converted to this syntax for simpler scenarios.

psycopg2-mq workers will automatically negotiate which worker is responsible for managing schedules so clustered workers should operate as expected.

Example Worker

from psycopg2_mq import (
from sqlalchemy import (
import sys

class EchoQueue:
    def execute_job(self, job):
        return f'hello, {job.args["name"]} from method="{job.method}"'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    engine = create_engine(sys.argv[1])
    metadata = MetaData()
    model = make_default_model(metadata)
    worker = MQWorker(
            'echo': EchoQueue(),

Example Source

engine = create_engine()
metadata = MetaData()
model = make_default_model(metadata)
session_factory = sessionmaker()

dbsession = session_factory()
with dbsession.begin():
    mq = MQSource(
    job = mq.call('echo', 'hello', {'name': 'Andy'})
    print(f'queued job={job.id}')