A minimal example of Solving ODEs with data-parallel MPI

This is based on these tests, with some changes to adapt it to my goals at the moment.


MPI preferences

It is necessary, among the usual things, to configure MPI using MPIPreferences.use_system_binary(), and restart Julia (as suggested in the docs).


tmux-mpi is a super cool tool that allows to run multiple MPI processes having each process in its own tmux window or pane. It might require to memorize a few shortcuts to work with tmux, but it is definitely worth the effort.

To set it up, follow the instructions at its github repository, creating a python virtual environment using the requirement.txt file provided.

If you have set up your environment as I have, you can launch it with, e.g.:

$ ./tmux-mpi/launch.sh 2 julia --project=.

In the launch.sh script the environment variables are set so that a pane is created for each MPI rank (in this case, 2 ranks) and that the standard input is broadcast to all the MPI processes.