A compact and foolproof AES-256 GCM implementation for PHP powered by ext-sodium
On systems without AES-NI
support, this library falls back to using ext-openssl
Data encryption is cross-compatible between both extensions.
To take advantage of the cool features in PHP 8.2+, install from the main branch.
composer require "mmeyer2k/php-aes-gcm:dev-main"
$key = '\+YoUr\+32\+ByTe\+BaSe64\+EnCoDeD\+kEy\+GoEs\+HeRe\+';
$msg = 'Hello World!';
$aes = new \Mmeyer2k\AesGcm\AesGcm($key);
$enc = $aes->encrypt($msg);
$dec = $aes->decrypt($enc);
echo $dec;
This library expects 32 byte keys encoded with base64. Keys should originate from secure sources of randomness to ensure the highest degree of protection.
echo base64_decode(random_bytes(32));
In BaSH:
head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64 -w 0 | xargs echo
AAD data is extra information that is authenticated but unencrypted. Both the AAD and ciphertext must be present for decryption to proceed.
$aes = new \Mmeyer2k\AesGcm\AesGcm($key);
$aad = '...some extra information...'
$enc = $aes->encrypt($msg, $aad);
$dec = $aes->decrypt($enc, $aad);
Supply an array of rotated keys which will be attempted if the primary key fails to decrypt the ciphertext.
$old = [
'key 1',
'key 2',
'key 3',
$aes = new \Mmeyer2k\AesGcm\AesGcm($key, $old);
$dec = $aes->decrypt($ciphertext);