A python library for astronomy/astrophysics calculations and data analysis.
Web Page: http://packages.python.org/Astropysics/
License: Apache License v2.0
Note that Astropysics is now in "maintainence mode" only. That is, further development is not expected, as my efforts have shifted to the Astropy project. It is a much larger effort that contains most of the functionality in Astropysics and much more. Astropysics will remain so that code written against it will continue to function, though, and I will continue to accept bug fixes as necessary.
If you have numpy (http://numpy.scipy.org/) and scipy (http://www.scipy.org/) installed, just do:
python setup.py install
On some linux distributions, this may need to be:
sudo python setup.py install
Documentation (in the "docs" directory) is meant to be used with sphinx (http://sphinx.pocoo.org). Typical usage is:
python setup.py build_sphinx
to build html documentation and place it in docs/_build/html. Note that this requires Sphinx >=1.0
- astropysics/ - source code for all astropysics modules
- docs/ - Sphinx documentation and example code
- logo/ - astropysics logo in various forms
- licenses/ - copyright/license notices for all open source code
- scripts/ - command-line scripts installed with astropysics
- tests/ - unit tests (for use with Nose) and algorithmic experiments (Note unit tests require networkx and pymodelfit to run).