
Step by step instructions to publish a new ASteCA release.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

ASteCA branching model

Steps detailing how to publish a new release after the development on the develop branch is completed. We follow the git-flow branching model (also described here).

Working on a new feature/issue

1. Create branch from develop to work on a given feature

# Checkout from develop branch; co --> alias for checkout
git co -b <branch>
# Push and track feature branch
git push --set-upstream origin <branch>

2. After feature is finished, merge back into develop

# Switch to develop
git co develop
# Merge into develop
git merge --no-ff <branch>
# Push changes
git push origin develop
# Delete remote branch (optional)
git push origin --delete <branch>
# Delete local branch (optional)
git branch -d <branch>

Publishing a new release

0. Check that everything works

  1. Update the CMD photometric systems supported via the CMDphotsysts script:
    • ../packages/inp/CMD_systs.dat
  2. Download the develop version into a new conda environment, and run to see that everything works as expected. THIS IS IMPORTANT

1. Create release branch, update changelog and version

  1. Create release branch locally

    git co -b release-<version> develop

    Optional Update .first_run file if it needs to be modified. Remove it from --skip-worktree so that it will be tracked. Make any necessary changes and commit.

    # Track again
    git update-index --no-skip-worktree packages/.first_run
    # Make changes and commit. ac  --> alias for 'add + commit'
    git ac 'update first_run file'
  2. Add & commit the changes made since latest release to CHANGELOG.md file. Remember to link the issues with markdown.

    git ac 'update changelog'
  3. Add & commit version number <version> to _version.py file. This is the last commit in the branch before the final release, check carefully.

    git ac 'Bumped version number to <version>'
  4. If some last minute change is necessary, do it now.

2. Finish release branch

  1. Merge release branch into master and push.

    git co master
    git merge --no-ff release-<version>
    git push
  2. Tag this new release vx.x.x and push new tag.

    git tag vx.x.x
    git push --tags
  3. Merge release branch into develop, and delete.

    git co develop
    git merge --no-ff release-<version>
    git push
    git branch -d release-<version>
  4. Add dev to the version number in _version.py file. This is the first commit in the new develop branch.

    git acp 'mark branch as develop'

    Optional Ignore .first_run file again.

    git update-index --skip-worktree packages/.first_run

3. Release in Github

Link draft release with new tag in Github and publish (https://github.com/asteca/asteca/releases).

New version is now fully released.

4. Update site and docs

  1. Add new published version to index.html file in:


  2. Push above changes made to the site.

    git acp 'release vx.x.x'
  3. Add new version to conf.py file in docs.

  4. Make any necessary changes/additions to the docs.

  5. Push above changes made to the docs.

    git acp 'release vx.x.x'