
MMIR Starter Kit Demo App

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Demo project for the mmir framework in combination with Apache Cordova with platform android.

This project uses mmir-lib version 5.x.x, and jQuery Mobile as a GUI library: although jQuery Mobile is somewhat dated, this projects demonstrates, how to use mmir-lib in a project that does not utilize any additional build-tools like webpack, browserify or similar.


Try the demo page:

  • speech input will only work in Chrome
    (mmir provides speech plugins for other browser, see the mmir wiki for more details)
  • for speech input, permission to use the browser's microphone needs to be granted

Further Reading

See the mmir project page for more details, guides, API documentation etc.

Custom Build Configuration

Extended build configuration settings for mmir-lib can be specified via file mmir.build.config.js which is automatically read by mmir-tooling/utils/cordova-build-tool.js if it exists (see step 3 in section Create Manually).

The example file mmir.build.config.js contains an empty configuration (i.e. default build configuration will be used), and in addition an alternative configuration that specifies a different state model for the DialogManager which will use animated transitions when changing views.

To enable the "animated transitions" state model, export the variable stateModelWithViewTransitions instead of defaultConfig in mmir.build.config.js.

For more options and setting see mmir-tooling.

Create Manually

  1. create a new cordova project, for details see cordova documentation:

    cordova create ...
  2. setup cordova and mmir

    # setup cordova and cordova-plugins
    cordova platform add android
    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-vibration
    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information
    # custom version of cordova-plugin-media that provides media-ready event (for asnyc audio loading)
    cordova plugin add git+https://github.com/mmig/cordova-plugin-media.git#CB-6880-mediaready-state-impl
    # setup mmir
    npm install --save git+https://github.com/mmig/mmir-lib.git
    npm install --save-dev git+https://github.com/mmig/mmir-tooling.git
    # install mmir-lib files into www/mmirf
    # as npm script -> see "scripts" in package.json
    npm run install-mmir-lib
    # or as bin-script (Windows)
    node_modules\.bin\mmirinstall www/mmirf --force
    # install mmir-plugins
    cordova plugin add git+https://github.com/mmig/mmir-plugin-speech-android.git#mmir-v5
  3. integration mmir-tooling into cordova build process:
    add entry to config.xml

    <hook type="before_prepare" src="node_modules/mmir-tooling/utils/cordova-build-tool.js" />
  4. copy assets from this project's www/ directory into the www/ directory of the newly created cordova project

  5. run mmir-tooling via cordova

    # run mmir-tooling via cordova
    cordova prepare
    # ... or run mmir-tooling and build cordova
    cordova build android
    # ... or run mmir-tooling and build cordova and run platform
    cordova run android

Previous Versions

for previous versions of the mmir-starter-kit see repository mmir-v4-starter-kit which contains examples that use mmir-lib v4.x and before.

Note that these examples are deprecated and will not be updated anymore.


If not stated otherwise, the code, resource files etc. are provided under the MIT license (see license file).