
Query to the pdg database on particle properties

Primary LanguageJulia


A Julia module for interacting with the Particle Data Group (PDG) SQLite database. PDGdb.jl provides a convenient interface to load and query entire particle physics data stored in the PDG database, which includes particle properties, decay modes, and more.

About the PDG Database

The PDG database is a compilation of five databases stored in SQLite format. The structure is as follows:

Table Name Number of Rows Number of Columns
pdgdoc 62 7
pdginfo 9 3
pdgid 19404 10
pdgparticle 1233 15
pdgdata 17655 18


The package is designed to offer tools for exploring the intricacies and complications inherent to the PDG databases:

  • Handling Hadronic Resonances: Hadronic resonances within isospin multiplets correspond to the same pdgid. For instance, "Delta(1700)0", "Delta(1700)+", and "Delta(1700)++" all share the pdgid="B010". This design choice stems from the similarities in the parameters of these resonances. However, it means that distinct state information is not directly accessible.

  • Weakly decaying particles: Most hadronic ground states are categorized into separate nodes. Nevertheless, some states, like Sigma_c()0, Sigma_c()+, and Sigma_c()0++, are merged. The decision to merge is influenced by their strong decay characteristics.

The overarching goal of PDGdb.jl is to facilitate efficient data manipulation, assisting users in exploring the database's wealth of information. Once the desired node is identified, users can leverage the provided functions to extract specific values and insights.


  • Particle Search: Use pdg(guess_for_particle_name) to look up particles based on a name or guess.

  • Retrieve Particle Properties: properties(pdgid) fetches data about all properties of a particle, including its parameters and decay modes. You can also use properties(pdg(guess_name)).

  • Narrow Down Information:

    • parameters(properties): Selects particle parameters.
    • decays(properties): Selects decay modes.
    • mass, width, lifetime, and pole: Retrieve specific properties of a particle.
  • Extract Values: Once you've identified the node you're interested in, use:

    • pick: Extracts a specific value from the data.
    • summarize: Provides a comprehensive summary of the data.


  1. Install PDGdb.jl
julia> ] # for Pkg mode
julia> add https://github.com/mmikhasenko/PDGdb.jl
julia> # (backspace)
julia> using PDGdb.jl
julia> PDGdb.connect(path2file)
  1. Download the PDG database

The database is available from the API page.

One can also do,

julia> using Downloads
julia> db_url = "https://pdg.lbl.gov/2023/api/pdg-2023-v0.0.5.sqlite"
julia> tmp_dir = mktempdir()
julia> const db_path = joinpath(tmp_dir, "pdg-2023-v0.0.5.sqlite")
julia> Downloads.download(db_url, joinpath(tmp_dir, "pdg-2023-v0.0.5.sqlite"))

Basic Usage

  1. Connect to the database:

    using PDGdb
  2. Retrieve particle data:

Use PDGdb.pdg(name) to search in pdgparticle, followed by properties to connect with pdgdata.

Here is how one checks all registered parameters of a particle:

julia> pi1_parameters = PDGdb.pdg("pi_1") |> properties |> parameters
pi1_parameters |> summarize

 "pi(1)(1600) T-Matrix Pole sqrt(s)(E)" => missing,
 "pi(1)(1600) MASS(AC)" => 1661.0 ± 15.0,
 "pi(1)(1600) WIDTH(AC)" => 240.0 ± 54.0]

We can select mass values only,

julia> rho_masses = properties(pdg("rho(770)+")) |> parameters |> mass
julia> rho_masses |> summarize

Pair{String, Measurements.Measurement{Float64}}[
    "NEUTRAL ONLY, e+ e-(AC)" => 775.26 ± 0.23,
    "CHARGED ONLY, tau DECAYS and --> e+ e-(AC)" => 775.11 ± 0.34,
    "MIXED CHARGES, OTHER REACTIONS(AC)" => 763.0 ± 1.2,
    "CHARGED ONLY, HADROPRODUCED(AC)" => 766.5 ± 1.1,
    "NEUTRAL ONLY, PHOTOPRODUCED(AC)" => 769.22 ± 0.95,
    "NEUTRAL ONLY, OTHER REACTIONS(AC)" => 769.01 ± 0.85]

The line,

julia> properties(pdg("pi(1800)+")) |> decays

gives the data frame of all decay channels measured.

Related Packages

  1. PDG Python API GitHub Repository
    The PDG Python API package provides programmatic access to data published by the Particle Data Group in the Review of Particle Physics. Comprehensive documentation for the PDG API can be accessed here.

  2. Corpuscles.jl GitHub Repository
    Corpuscles.jl is a Julia package that offers easy access to particle properties and identification codes defined by the Particle Data Group (PDG) collaboration. The package uses cleaned CSV versions of the PDG data, which are provided by the Scikit-HEP project. This data is part of the Particle Python module, which inspired the creation of Corpuscles.jl for the Julia Language. Although Corpuscles.jl is not as feature-rich as the Particle Python module, it continuously adds functionality as required. Contributions in the form of issues or pull requests are welcome for bug reports or suggestions.

  3. Particle (Python) GitHub Repository
    The Particle package offers a pythonic interface to the PDG particle data tables and particle identification codes. The package provides enhanced particle information and additional features. The PDGID class within the package facilitates queries on PDG IDs and also supports free-standing functions that expand upon the HepPID/HepPDT C++ interface. The Particle class encapsulates the data from the PDG particle data tables and offers an object-oriented approach, along with robust search and lookup utilities.