
Empty scene?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, and thanks for this repo! Just tried building it in vs2019 and if I run the generated hextile-demo.exe then I get a window but no geometry (and hence no hex tiling) just sky.

mmikk commented

Thank you for letting me know!
I build it in vs2019 myself also and I have received confirmation from others that it is working for them so there must some lingering issue that only impacts under some specific circumstances that hopefully we can figure out.

Can you tell me if you see the subfolder meshes/ as well as the 4 obj files in the folder? You’ll notice they are there in the repo. Assuming they are there can you set a breakpoint in scenegraph.cpp where the 4 calls to ReadObj() are made and see if the files appear to import? Is res true after the 4 calls have been made?