
Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


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Welcome to the Kitchen!! Big Mama is strong, bold, loves cute things (such as her cat, Katchup), and cultivates the most flavorful dishes for her consumers. After a few minutes in her kitchen your taste buds are sure to be left tingling. She will throw in a wide variety of flavors from spicy to sweet, from tangy to salty, and will always finish a job with a sassy wink. Better get your plates ready, are you ready for a taste?

This language is for people who love to cook as it uses cooking/baking phrases. BigMamasKitchen serves to spice up statically typed/scoped languages.

Check out our website here: https://mmikol.github.io/BigMamasKitchen/dist/index.html.

Cooked up by Bridget O'Connor, Sophia Mackin, Moriah Scott, Rachel Nguyen, Miliano Mikol.


  • Statically typed with static scoping

  • Data Structures like arrays and dictionaries

  • Cooking keywords

  • Emoticon brackets and comments

  • Simple statements terminated with ;)

  • Cinnamon Roll Arrays (@)

  • Square Waffle Dictionaries [#]


BigMamasKitchen JavaScript
spicy Boolean
bitter Number
salty String
(@) Array
[#] Map/Object
bland null

Keywords Guide

BigMamasKitchen JavaScript
cooked true
raw false
(^-^)~ ~(^-^) {}
;) ;
until condition (condition)
ingredient let
empty void
recipe func
nothing null literal
stop break
stir while
bake for
addAPinchOf if
orSubstitute else if
dumpLeftovers else
mamaSays console.log("")

Function Declaration

recipe eggsBenedict (bitter eggWhites, salty sauce) (^-^)~ ~(^-^)

Variable Declaration and Assignment


ingredient bitter taco = 1 ;)
ingredient salty cake = "chocolate" ;)
ingredient spicy egg = raw ;)


taco = 4 ;)
cake = "vanilla" ;)
egg = cooked ;)

Control Flow

If Statement:

addAPinchOf i < -35 (^-^)~
  mamaSays "Too little" ;)
~(^-^) orSubstitute i > 35 (^-^) ~
  mamaSays "Too much" ;)
~(^-^) dumpLeftovers (^-^)~
  mamaSays "Just right" ;)

While Loop:

stir until cooked (^-^)~
  mamaSays "infinite loop baby" ;)

For Loop:

bake ingredient bitter egg = 1 until egg < 40 egg++ (^-^)~
  mamaSays egg ;)


Multi-line Comment:

--[=] Include more sugar
      if you want to

Single-line Comment:

~(=^..^) We love Big Mama



ingredient spicy(@) rawEggs = (@)raw, raw(@) ;)

Array of Array:

ingredient spicy(@)(@) boolArrArr =
(@) (@)raw(@), (@)rtaw, cooked(@) (@) ;)

Array Access:

ingredient salty(@) rollCake = (@)"strawberry", "sugar", "cake"(@) ;)

ingredient salty fruit = rollCake(@)0(@) ;)

fruit = rollCake(@)2(@) ;)

Array of Array Access:

ingredient bitter(@)(@) doubleArray = (@) (@)1,2,3(@), (@)4,5,6(@) (@) ;)

mamaSays doubleArray(@)1(@)(@)2(@) == 6 ;)



ingredient salty[#] basicDict = [#] "key" : "value" [#] ;)

Dictionary of Dictionaries:

ingredient bitter[#][#] dictDict=
    "key1" : [#] "inner1" : 5 [#] ,
    "key2" : [#] "inner2" : 2 [#]
[#] ;)

Dictionary Access:

ingredient bitter[#] rollCake = [#]
  "strawberry": 0,
  "sugar": 1,
  "cake": 2
[#] ;)

ingredient bitter fruit = rollCake[#]"strawberry"[#] ;)

fruit = rollCake[#]"cake"[#] ;)

Dictionary of Dictionary Access:

ingredient salty[#][#] dictionary = [#]
  "key1": [#]"key2": "value"[#]
[#] ;)

mamaSays dictionary[#]"key1"[#][#]"key2"[#] ;)

Example Programs

Hello, World!

BigMamasKitchen JavaScript
mamaSays "Hello world!" ;)
console.log("Hello world!");

Sum of Two Numbers

BigMamasKitchen JavaScript
recipe bitter Add (bitter a, bitter b) (^-^)~
  serve a + b ;)
function Add (a, b) {
 return a + b;

Even or Odd

BigMamasKitchen JavaScript
recipe spicy evenOdd (bitter a) (^-^)~
  serve a % 2 == 0 ;)

function evenOdd (a) {
    return a % 2 === 0;

Greatest Common Divisor

BigMamasKitchen JavaScript
recipe bitter gcd (bitter a, bitter b) (^-^)~
  addAPinchOf a < 0 (^-^)~
      a = -1 * a ;)

  addAPinchOf b < 0 (^-^)~
      b = -1 * b ;)

  addAPinchOf b > a (^-^)~
      ingredient bitter temp = a ;)
      a = b ;)
      b = temp ;)

  stir until cooked (^-^)~
      addAPinchOf b == 0 (^-^)~
          serve a ;)

      a = a % b ;)

      addAPinchOf a == 0 (^-^)~
          serve b ;)

      b = b % a ;)

  serve 0 ;)

function gcd(a,b) {
    a = Math.abs(a);
    b = Math.abs(b);
    if (b > a) {let temp = a; a = b; b = temp;}
    while (true) {
      if (b === 0) return a;
      a %= b;
      if (a === 0) return b;
      b %= a;
    return 0;

Other Examples

BigMamasKitchen JavaScript
addAPinchOf i < -35 (^-^)~
  mamaSays “too cold” ;)
~(^-^) orSubstitute i > 35 (^-^) ~
  mamaSays “just right” ;)
~(^-^) dumpLeftovers (^-^)~
  mamaSays “try again!” ;)
if (i < -35) {
console.log(“too cold”);
} else if (i > 35) {
console.log(“just right”);
} else {
console.log(“try again!);
BigMamasKitchen JavaScript
ingredient bitter temperature = 0 ;)
stir until cooked (^-^)~
  temperature++ ;)
  addAPinchOf temperature == 360 (^-^)~
    stop ;)
let temperature = 0
while (true) {
  if(temperature == 360){

Static Semantic Errors

  • Type mismatch
  • Break can only appear in a loop
  • Return can only appear in a function
  • Cannot call something that is not a function or constructor
  • Cannot pass in wrong number of parameters to a function call
  • Cannot declare variables with names that have already been declared
  • Array elements cannot have different types than each other
  • No duplicate keys in a dictionary
  • Dimension mismatch
  • Cannot access an element that does not exist