Cast android code and resource changes to the running application through ADB.
- 0
potential bug in
#104 opened by Alfusainey - 3
- 0
#102 opened by ltyhome - 1
debug模式下还是有问题 有些变量取不到值了 变量的计算也会识别不了
#100 opened by FivredSeven - 0
fail to exec
#101 opened by wongainia - 12
I can not do it,when I change the resources
#39 opened by Modificator - 0
很多 Linux 发行版把 python 指向 python3
#99 opened by fish47 - 1
Program “python” is not found in PATH
#90 opened by picking - 2
#98 opened by KarnaughK - 2
no valid android project found
#66 opened by wangpeiyuan - 3
Issue with Androis Studio 1.4 beta
#57 opened by vysotsky - 1
#97 opened by kinzirva - 0
Android Studio 2.0 error
#95 opened by nashxk - 0
- 1
错误: 程序包不存在
#85 opened by jcevo - 1
The python is properly configured, but will suggest that Program "Python" is not found in PATH
#93 opened by zengcanxiang - 1
no valid android project found in D:\workspace\leying
#73 opened by ihrthk - 0
Please add a license
#92 opened by ravidsrk - 4
#42 opened by icoo000 - 2
警告: [options] 未与 -source 1.7 一起设置引导类路径
#78 opened by pighead4u - 0
Nexus 5 系统6.0运行没反应
#91 opened by Allen-cxl - 4
一直显示Cast DEX in 2 second...
#49 opened by DanielZhao1990 - 3
buildToolsVersion 23 bulid error
#86 opened by zhonghanwen - 3
22:32:14 EmptyThrowable: cannot share data context between Swing events; initial event count = 85831; current event count = 85890
#81 opened by kaleai - 1
#89 opened by DanielZhao1990 - 2
- 1
Version used for benchmarks
#40 opened by MGaetan89 - 1
Mac cast oceancx.example.myapplication:41128 as gradle project with /res changed (v1.50922)
#72 opened by goceancx - 1
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string liternal
#84 opened by jcevo - 0
#82 opened by linsea - 1
why is only support ART
#37 opened by 6a209 - 3
running on android M successfully
#76 opened by liqk2014 - 0
- 0
why not support 6.0?
#77 opened by gdky005 - 0
can't install plugin on windows
#70 opened by shingkit - 2
window Androidstudio1.4 errors
#71 opened by looooker - 0
Problem with PATH in windows
#69 opened by onolox - 7
when i put layout cast button,it tip me "Program “python” is not found in PATH"
#45 opened by HenseyVenom - 1
#68 opened by liericiyan - 0
- 1
Doesn't run with retrolambda?
#35 opened by vivekanandg - 0
#61 opened by ArchangelXu - 0
Casting asset changes fails
#59 opened by ChaitanyaPramod - 0
android studio安装插件后出现资源不同步问题
#58 opened by djun100 - 0
ClassCastException :com.github.mmin18.layoutcast.context.OverrideContext cannot be cast to
#55 opened by KennethLaw - 2
fail to override resource in context
#53 opened by ASCE1885 - 0
错误: 编码GBK的不可映射字符
#50 opened by DanielZhao1990 - 0
错误: 编码GBK的不可映射字符
#47 opened by ceabie - 0
when i put layout cast button,it tip me "Program “python” is not found in PATH"
#44 opened by HenseyVenom - 0
#38 opened by kaleai