
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


List of dependencies

The following is the complete list of dependencies and the version that have been tested:

  • RapidJSON (v1.1.0)
  • Bison (v3.0.4)
  • Flex (v2.6.4)
  • Boost (v1.66.0)

Buldind Instruction

To configure and build the project run the following commands from the root of the project:

./waf configure
./waf buid

Usage of the Alignment Tool

To execute the alignment tool from the root of this repository:


The previous command should print the help message of the tool. Example of usage are:

  • Local alignment with the score table in config.json
    ./build/tools/alignment_tool -i ./tests/Human-Mouse-BRCA2-cds.fasta -l -c ./tests/config.json
  • Global alignment with the score table in config.json
    ./build/tools/alignment_tool -i ./tests/Human-Mouse-BRCA2-cds.fasta -c ./tests/config.json
  • Global alignment using default scores ( +1 -1 -1 -5 )
    ./build/tools/alignment_tool -i ./tests/Human-Mouse-BRCA2-cds.fasta

Usage of the SuffixTree Tool

To execute the alignment tool from the root of this repository:


The previous command should print the help message of the tool. Examples of usage are:

  • Build and Print the SuffixTree as Dot file:
    ./build/tools/suffixtree_tool -i tests/s1.fasta --dot banana.dot
  • Build the SuffixTree and save to file the BWT and the Post Order
    ./build/tools/suffixtree_tool -i ./tests/s1.fasta --bwt banana.bwt --post banana.post

The directory output-files contains dumps of the outputs requested. The experiment folder contains the scripts used to generate them.

Usage of the Read Mapping Tool

To execute the read mapping tool from the root of this repository:


The previous command should print the help message of the tool. Examples of usage are:

  • Build and Print the SuffixTree as Dot file:

    ./build/tools/read_mapping_tool -g tests/Peach_reference.fasta -r tests/Peach_simulated_reads.fasta
  • To change the value of x, X, Y

    ./build/tools/read_mapping_tool -g tests/Peach_reference.fasta -r tests/Peach_simulated_reads.fasta -x <value> -X <value> -Y <value>
  • To give a different score table to the local alignment procedure:

    ./build/tools/read_mapping_tool -g tests/Peach_reference.fasta -r tests/Peach_simulated_reads.fasta -c tests/config.json

The directory output-files contains:

  • MappingResults_Peach_x20.txt is the output of a run with x=20
  • MappingResults_Peach_x25.txt is the output of a run with x=25