

Primary LanguageShell


The script will produce a new rh-manifest file for a distgit repo and push a patch with the new file.

Run the script as: ./rh-backvendor-script.sh [distgit branch]

for example: ./rh-backvendor-script.sh origin/cnv-2.0-rhel-8

The script will use the projects file to find projects for which to update the rh-manifest file. The file should look like:

  <distgit project name> <upstream repo>

For example:

bridge-marker                    github.com/kubevirt/bridge-marker
kubemacpool                      github.com/K8sNetworkPlumbingWG/kubemacpool

The upstream repo is needed by the retrodep tool.

You need to have RH vpn enabled and be logged on to kinit