
An implementation of substructural intuitionistic logic focused on forward chaining

Primary LanguageStandard ML

== Robert J. Simmons and Frank Pfenning == 

== Compiling Ollibot ==

Compiling Ollibot requires a recent version of MLton and SML of New Jersey.
You can use make to compile either the Ollibot command-line interface, web
interface, or both.

Make only the command-line interface:
   $ make ollibot

Make only the server interface:
   $ make server

Make both the command-line interface and the server:
   $ make

The following files will be produced:
   bin/ollibot (command line)
   bin/olliserver (web server version)

== Command line interface ==

Run the command-line version of Ollibot with the following command:
   $ bin/ollibot <file1> <file2> ....

This will run each of the listed files in turn. For example, the following
command will run all of the examples in the lics09 example directory.
   $ bin/ollibot examples/lics09/*olf

== Web interface ==

Run this command to start the web interface:
   $ bin/olliserver

This starts a web server on port 5315 with a root in the examples directory.
So, if you start your web browser and go to
you will see the readme.txt file in the examples directory. If you go to 
you will see the call by need example located in the 
examples/lics09/cbneed.lolf directory.

The web interface uses a simple wiki-like markup language described below.

== Ollibot files ==

There are two kinds of Ollibot files, regular Ollibot files (with a .olf 
extension), and Literate Ollibot files (with a .olf extension). 
The examples/lics09 directory has several examples of both kinds of files.

In regular Ollibot files, line comments start with the string %%

%% Comment
Ollibot code
%% Comment

In Literate Ollibot, everything is taken to be a comment except for lines that 
start with a >

> Ollibot code

There is also a markup language that the web server uses

= Heading 1 =
== Heading 2 ==
=== Heading 3 ===
You can make code `fixed-width`, ''italics'', '''bold''', or '''''bold 
italics''''', as well as creating links like this: [[http://www.google.com]]
or like [[http://www.google.com | this]].