
A trasparent rpc for allowing web worker to access dom in mainland(and vise versa)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dom-proxy WebWorker DOM Proxy (POC)

Transparent rpc between web worker and mainland(the main page context)
Looks like via.js, But more transparent at the cost of halt the web worker and continue on operation finished with Atomic.wait.


  1. Requirements
  2. API
  3. Example
  4. Explanation and caveats
    1. Explanation
      1. Operate on mainland sync
      2. Strict equal of proxied same object
      3. The garbage collection
    2. Caveats
  5. Todos

Requirements As of 2019-06-25

  1. Atomics.waitAsync (stage2)
  2. WeakRef (stage3)
  3. FinalizationGroup (stage2)

You can try this with chromium(and its friends) 76+ with --js-flags='--harmony-weak-refs' flag from cli


  • DOMProxy.create(ia32, getRoot) => [[Payload Object]]

    • Call this on both side that want to sue the proxy with same Int32Array baked by SharedArrayBuffer
    • arguments
      • ia32: Int32Array baked by SharedArrayBuffer
      • getRoot : function that return object that represent this thread
    • must use only once per thread or it will hang
  • [[Payload Object]]

    • properties
      • current: Id of current payload
      • getRemote(remoteId) => [[proxied remote object]]
        • arguments
          • remoteId: other thread's [[Payload Object]].current
  • No other api required, no async await things, no value wrapper, nothing else



<!-- polyfill -->
<script src="await-async.js"></script>
<script src="rpc.js"></script>
<script src="dom-proxy.js"></script>
    var sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024 * 1024 * 8)
    var ia32 = new Int32Array(sab)
    var proxy = DomProxy.create(ia32, () => window)
        hostId: proxy.current,
        ia32: ia32



self.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
    var payload = event.data
    var proxy = DomProxy.create(payload.ia32, () => self)
    var remoteWindow = proxy.getRemote(payload.hostId)

    // access the window object as if it is actully in webworker

    // strict equal works as is thanks to WeakRef
    console.log(remoteWindow.document === remoteWindow.document)

    // object keys got proxied

    // modify dom as is
    var el = remoteWindow.document.createElement('div')
    el.innerHTML = 'You have been hacked from web worker lol'

    // while applied directly (no async await required!!!)

    // reverse proxied object as is
    remoteWindow.a = {}

    // reverse proxied function also works as is
    el.addEventListener('click', () => remoteWindow.alert('LOLLLL'))

Explanation and caveats


Operate on mainland sync

This library merely proxy traps of Proxy to the mainland,
so everything should just works as if you are operate on these object in the mainland.

The mainland then receive the request async with Atomic.asyncAwait.
And do things it need to do, response to worker with Atomic.notify.

Strict equal of proxied same object

  1. This library marked the object it send to worker with an id and save it to a collection with that id.
// mainland
var id = createId()
var map = new Map()
map.set(objectToSend, id)

// worker
  1. The worker then receive the id, build a fake object with it and save the fake object to a collection
// mainland

// worker
var id = getIdFromMainLand()
var map = new Map()
var fakeObject = createProxy(id)
map.set(id, fakeObject)
  1. When the next time, the worker is requesting the same object,
    the mainland will find the item in map and send the same id to worker.
    The worker then find the same object in map with that id
// mainland
var id = map.get(objectToSend)

// worker
var id = getIdFromMainLand()

The garbage collection

Continue from section above.

How could you prevent the map in mainland and worker from leaking?

The WeakRef proposal introduced two new APIs that allow you to observe the time garbage collection happened.
So we make use of them.

  1. The worker was modified to hold the fakeObject with a WeakRef instead of directly to allow the proxy being collected.
// mainland

// worker
-- map.set(id, fakeObject)
++ map.set(id, new WeakRef(fakeObject))
  1. The worker use the FinalizationGroup to track when will the garbage collection could happen (no one is holding the proxy anymore).
    And send the event to mainland.
// mainland

// worker
const cleaner = new FinalizationGroup(id => {
    // remove the cache from entry
cleaner.register(fakeObject, id)
  1. The mainland then drop the cache it has with the id received.
    At this point, the knowledge of that object is totally gone from the proxy system.
    No memory leak happened, cheers.
// mainland
const id = getIdToDropFromWorker()
findIdInMapAndDropIt(map, id)

// worker


  1. Due to the lack of native Atomic.asyncAwait, polyfill is used, the operation is actually far more expensive then it should (each call cost about 0.5ms).

    This means calls like Object.keys(fakeObject) will be very slow because it requires to call getOwnPropertyDescriptor on every single property (call it on window will result in about 200 requests).

  2. Due to the FinalizationGroup and WeakRef isn't ship on all stable browser version.

    It isn't possible to use this library without edit the browser setting from cli directly currently. (that's why this is a POC, WeakRef can't be polyfilled at all)


  1. Mapping symbol between workers (current throws)
  2. Fix worker count limit (current 256)
  3. Fix object id limit (current 8388608, aka 2**23)