
Package for generating correct plurals in Polish.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Package meant mostly for Polish users who are looking for the simplest way to use nouns with numbers in Polish correctly.

This package takes into account complicated Polish grammar rules and allows you to specify different forms – 1 singular and 2 plural — of nouns to be used.


In the simplest case you need to provide 3 forms of the noun and a number. Those 3 required forms are:

  • singular nominative
  • plural nominative
  • plural genitive
import { polishPlurals } from 'polish-plurals';

polishPlurals("komentarz", "komentarze", "komentarzy", 1); // komentarz
polishPlurals("komentarz", "komentarze", "komentarzy", 0); // komentarzy
polishPlurals("komentarz", "komentarze", "komentarzy", 3); // komentarze


You might consider binding the function to save some typing and avoid repetition:

import { polishPlurals } from 'polish-plurals';

const commentsLabel = polishPlurals.bind(null, 'komentarz', 'komentarze', 'komentarzy');
commentsLabel(1); // komentarz
commentsLabel(0); // komentarzy
commentsLabel(3); // komentarze