
browse and download image galleries

Primary LanguagePerl

$Id: README,v 1.4 2004-11-20 20:44:36 mitch Exp $

This is a suite for more comfortable p0rn browsing :-)

Written by Christian Garbs <mitch@cgarbs.de>
Licensed under GNU GPL.

Get new versions from: http://www.cgarbs.de/p0rn-comfort.en.html

You need:
- lynx
- wget
- bash
- perl with working fork()
- perl modules:
  - AppConfig
  - DBM::Deep
  - HTML::Parser
  - HTTP::Daemon
  - HTTP::Response
  - HTTP::Status
  - LWP::UserAgent
  - URI

You do this:

Start the proxy and point your browser to it.  Notice the extra
functionality at the top of every page.

Then find a p0rn-thumbnail site and start browsing it.  When you run
across other thumbnail sites instead of content, select "mark as
thumbnail page".  In the future, this page will not be loaded again.
Should you by any means run into content, then you can select "mark as
pictures" or "mark as pictures and download".  This will tell you
when you visit a content site again that you've already seen it (we
don't really memorize all of our downloaded stuff, do we?).

If you don't want to browse the sites by hand, just point p0rn-bot to
a p0rn-thumbnail site.  It will look at the pages and register them
with p0rn-proxy as thumbnail or download pages automatically.

Use p0rn-download to start downloading all the pictures that you have
selected for download.

Comments, bug reports and enhancement requests are welcome.