
OpenID connect with Auth0 and grpc-web on GKE

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This sample contains some codes and configurations of

  • Login by OpenID connect with Auth0
  • grpc-web with redux-saga
  • gRPC service on istio on GKE


This sample mainly depends on these tools below.
  • Frontend

    • TypeScript
    • auth0-spa-js
    • react, redux, redux-saga
    • grpc-web
  • Backend

    • Go
    • grpc-go


Please try this example on Linux.

configure Auth0

execute Frontend

  • checkout this repository
  • execute this command
npm install
  • edit .env file like this
  • execute this command
npm run start

execute Backend

  • change directory
cd backend
  • run envoy
docker run --rm -d --net=host -v ${PWD}/envoy/:/etc/envoy/  envoyproxy/envoy:v1.12.3 
  • run API server
docker build -t mmitou/echo-service .
docker run --rm -it --env-file env -p 9090:9090 mmitou/echo-service

execute Backend on GKE

cd backend
gcloud builds submit -t gcr.io/[YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID]/echo-service .
cd envoy
gcloud builds submit -t gcr.io/[YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID]/envoy-grpc .
gcloud container clusters create sample
gcloud container clusters get-credentials sample
kubectl apply -f sample-sidecar.yaml
kubectl get services -w

after a while, if sample-lb gets external ip, set the ip to frontend env file and execute "npm run start".

execute Backend on istio on GKE

cd backend
gcloud builds submit -t gcr.io/[YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID]/echo-service .
cd istio
gcloud beta container clusters create sample --addons=Istio
gcloud container clusters get-credentials sample
kubectl apply -f sample.yaml
kubectl apply -f istio.yaml