
remix server adapter for cloudflare workers worker module.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

npm version code style: prettier


remix server adapter for cloudflare workers worker module.

You can use remix from the worker module of cloudflare workers.
Implement the worker as follows and call the createFetch function.


import { createFetch } from "remix-cloudflare-workers-fetch";
import type { ServerBuild } from "remix-cloudflare-workers-fetch";
import * as build from "../build";
import assetJson from "__STATIC_CONTENT_MANIFEST";

const fetch = createFetch({
  build: build as unknown as ServerBuild,
  mode: "production",
  options: {
    cacheControl: {
      bypassCache: true,

export default {


npm install remix-cloudflare-workers-fetch


This section describes the modifications required to call remix from the fetch function.
This article will use as an example a remix project created using the following method.

npx create-remix@latest
? Where would you like to create your app? fetch-example
? What type of app do you want to create? Just the basics
? Where do you want to deploy? Choose Remix if you're unsure; it's easy to change deployment targets. Cloudflare Workers
? Do you want me to run `npm install`? Yes
? TypeScript or JavaScript? TypeScript

cd fetch-example

npm i -D wrangler@latest esbuild ts-node
npx wrangler -v

npm i remix-cloudflare-workers-fetch

remix application settings

Make the following modifications to prevent remix build from creating workers for cloudflare workers.

  • Remove server from remix.config.js
 * @type {import('@remix-run/dev').AppConfig}
module.exports = {
  serverBuildTarget: "cloudflare-workers",
  // server: "./server.js", 
  devServerBroadcastDelay: 1000,
  ignoredRouteFiles: ["**/.*"],
  // appDirectory: "app",
  // assetsBuildDirectory: "public/build",
  // serverBuildPath: "build/index.js",
  // publicPath: "/build/",

Execute the following command.
The remix server module will be created in build directory.

npx remix build

module worker settings

Create worker directory and implement the module worker.

mkdir worker
touch worker/index.ts


import { createFetch } from "remix-cloudflare-workers-fetch";
import type { ServerBuild } from "remix-cloudflare-workers-fetch";
import * as build from "../build";
import assetJson from "__STATIC_CONTENT_MANIFEST";

const fetch = createFetch({
  build: build as unknown as ServerBuild,
  mode: "production",
  options: {
    cacheControl: {
      bypassCache: true,

export default {

Worker/index.ts is built with esbuild.
Create the following file.


import { build } from "esbuild";

  entryPoints: ["./worker/index.ts"],
  bundle: true,
  sourcemap: true,
  format: "esm",
  outfile: "dist/index.mjs",
  minify: true,
  external: ["__STATIC_CONTENT_MANIFEST"],
}).catch(() => process.exit(1));

Execute the following command.
A module worker will be created in the dist directory.

npx ts-node build-worker.ts

wrangler settings

Change wrangler.toml to the following.

name = "fetch-example"
main = "dist/index.mjs"

workers_dev = true
compatibility_date = "2022-05-15"

bucket = "./public"


Please confirm that REMIX starts up with the following command.

wrangler login
wrangler dev