
An old shooter game.

Primary LanguageJava


An old shooter game.

What it is

I developed this game in tandem with my friend Karl Ramberg just for fun. SpaceGame (officially SpaceJoust) is a simple shooter game for two people, each controlling a crudely-rendered spaceship. Occasionally alien ships show up and wreak havoc too.

Why it's here

Historical oblication, I suppose :) This game turned out to be my programming scratching post for a significant amount of time, and it feels unfair to leave it out just because it's not very functional. By far the most difficult feature to implement for the 9th-grade me was rotation of the ships, for which I still have all of my calculations. (It wasn’t a hard problem to solve, but also, I had never taken a trigonometry class.) Other features, in order of completeness, included accurate acceleration and drag, items that the ships could pick up and use, different ship types, more players than two, and other various things. It was quite the project. Anyhow, both Karl and I had rather busy years after that, and development on the game dwindled while we worked on smaller independent projects. I still keep the source code on hand, just because it feels wrong to get rid of it. There is a moral of the story: Document your code. Some of the SpaceGame physics are hidden away in obscure parts of Ergo!

You ever going to return to this kind of development?

Heh, I doubt it. The world has enough shooter games without my imitations, and anyway, game development isn't really my thing. There are some interesting programming problems that cropped up, though, which were worth solving for myself.
