
Point Cloud Completion Model

Primary LanguagePython

ImgAdaPoinTr: Improving Point Cloud Completion via Images and Segmentation

This repository contains implementation for "ImgAdaPoinTr: Improving Point Cloud Completion via Images and Segmentation". In following repository we provide a brief description of the method and the results.



An extended pipeline scheme. Input partial point cloud is first downsampled to derive center points. Local features around these center points are extracted using a lightweight DGCNN. Simultaneously, the Image Encoder processes the visual data to extract image features. These features are fused with the local features extracted from the point cloud, incorporating the spatial intricacies of the visual data. With the addition of positional embedding to the fused features, they are channeled into a Geometry-aware Transformer Encoder-Decoder architecture. Through multi-head attention mechanisms, this structure predicts point proxies for the missing regions of the point cloud. Finally, the Rebuild Head refines these point proxies, completing the point cloud in a coarse-to-fine manner.



In order to install all requirements, run following command in terminal:

pip install -r requirements.txt

In order to build all necessary extensions, run:

bash install.sh

You can also build them manually by running

python setup.py build && python setup.py install

In corresponding directory.


ImgPCN dataset can be accessed via link.

For each object we provide 24 renders. Examples of renders:


Name AVG Airplane Cabinet Car Chair Lamp Sofa Table Watercraft F@1%
FoldingNet 14.310 9.490 15.800 12.610 15.550 16.410 15.970 13.650 14.99 0.322
PCN 9.640 5.500 22.700 10.630 8.700 11.000 11.340 11.680 8.590 0.695
GRNet 8.830 6.450 10.370 9.450 9.410 7.960 10.510 8.440 8.044 0.708
SnowFlake 7.210 4.290 9.160 8.080 7.890 6.070 9.230 6.550 6.400 -
SeedFormer 6.740 3.850 9.050 8.060 7.060 5.210 8.850 6.050 5.850 -
AdaPoinTr 6.528 3.681 8.823 7.476 6.850 5.478 8.353 5.801 5.763 0.845
SegEncAdaPoinTr 6.569 *3.544 8.893 7.404 6.939 *5.189 8.544 6.179 5.862 *0.847
ImgAdaPoinTr 6.347 3.515 8.540 *7.425 6.677 5.065 8.082 5.714 5.756 0.857
ImgEncSegDecAPTr 6.339 3.461 8.646 *7.437 6.616 5.065 8.140 5.685 5.660 0.859

Result on the PCN dataset. We use the CD-L1 (multiplied by 1000) to compare ImgAdaPoinTr with other methods. * Denotes the top result within its experimental group, surpassing the value in AdaPoinTr. The last line in the table is the additional baseline combining using images and segmentation. Code for metric calculation provided here

Ablation study

Name AVG Airplane Cabinet Car Chair Lamp Sofa Table Watercraft
AdaPoinTr 6.528 3.681 8.823 7.476 6.850 5.478 8.353 5.801 5.763
AdaPoinTrVarLoss 6.482 3.614 8.746 7.422 6.845 5.277 8.365 5.831 5.755
ImgEncAdaPoinTr (6 images) 6.414 3.596 8.701 7.517 6.614 5.217 8.165 5.785 5.714
(12 images) 6.409 3.586 8.713 7.489 6.621 5.218 8.155 5.783 5.709
ImgAdaPoinTr (our) (6 images) 6.356 3.520 8.533 7.437 6.690 5.086 8.105 5.715 5.762
(12 images) 6.347 3.515 8.540 *7.425 6.677 5.065 8.082 5.714 5.756
ImgCrossEncAdaPoinTr (6 images) 6.487 3.573 8.868 7.429 6.692 5.439 8.217 5.890 5.787
(12 images) 6.482 3.571 8.864 7.448 6.683 5.426 8.199 5.883 5.787
SegCrossEncAdaPoinTr 6.660 3.610 8.970 7.529 6.872 5.567 8.567 6.256 5.915
SegCrossDecAdaPoinTr 6.549 3.649 8.882 7.519 *6.808 5.311 8.522 5.924 5.780
SegEncAdaPoinTr 6.569 *3.544 8.893 7.404 6.939 *5.189 8.544 6.179 5.862
SegEncDecAdaPoinTr 6.595 3.649 9.003 7.526 6.830 5.383 8.525 6.058 5.784
TripleSegFoldNetAdaPoinTr 6.658 3.722 8.980 7.561 7.009 5.329 8.725 6.079 5.856

Result of experiments on the ImgPCN dataset. We use the CD-L1 (multiplied by 1000) to compare AdaPoinTr with our other experiments. We conducted separate evaluations: one with architectures that incorporate an image encoder and another with a segmentator. For methods incorporating an image encoder, we present two rows. In the top row, the metric is assessed using 6 random viewing points for each object from the test set. For the bottom row, the number of random viewing points is 12. * Denotes the top result within its experimental group, surpassing the value in AdaPoinTr.

Completion Results on ImgPCN



To run train:

bash ./scripts/train.sh 0 --config ./cfgs/ImgPCN_models/ImgResNetEncAdaPoinTrVariableLoss.yaml  --exp_name train_ImgResNetEncAdaPoinTrVariableLoss --num_workers 16 --val_freq 1

To eval:

bash ./scripts/test.sh 0 --ckpts experiments/ImgResNetEncAdaPoinTrVariableLoss/ImgPCN_models/train_ImgResNetEncAdaPoinTrVariableLoss_easy/ckpt-best.pth --config ./cfgs/ImgPCN_models/ImgResNetEncAdaPoinTrVariableLoss.yaml --exp_name test

Test the ImgAdaPoinTr pretrained model:

bash ./scripts/test.sh 0 --ckpts ./pretrained/ImgAdaPoinTr.pth --config ./cfgs/ImgPCN_models/ImgResNetEncAdaPoinTrVariableLoss.yaml --exp_name test

To run train SegEncAdaPoinTr:

bash ./scripts/train.sh 0 --config ./cfgs/SegImgPCN_models/SegEncAdaPoinTr.yaml --exp_name train  --num_workers 16 --val_freq 1 --gdanet_w ./pretrained/GDANet_best_insiou_model.pth

Please download GDANet weights for SegEncAdaPoinTr if you want to run experiments with the segmentator. Original GDANet code can be found here.

To run train ImgEncSegDecAPTr:

bash ./scripts/train.sh 0 --config ./cfgs/SegImgPCN_models/ImgEncSegDecAdaPoinTrVariableLoss.yaml --exp_name train  --num_workers 16 --val_freq 1 --gdanet_w ./pretrained/GDANet_best_insiou_model.pth

Test the ImgEncSegDecAPTr pretrained model:

bash ./scripts/test.sh 0 --ckpts ./pretrained/ImgEncSegDecAPTr.pth --config ./cfgs/SegImgPCN_models/ImgEncSegDecAdaPoinTrVariableLoss.yaml  --exp_name test

In demo directory you can find code for app and example of calling models from code

You can run demo via command:

python demo/app.py

Link to online demo (not permanent)


Our code is inspired by AdaPoinTr and XMFnet.