Companion webpage to the book "Mathematics For Machine Learning"
Jupyter Notebook
- adbenDen Haag, Nederlands
- ash4os
- avindraUnited States
- bradjonescaNew York
- christopherok
- cmdev8
- djacobsNew York City
- donnabrown77
- dotkwameLincoln, UK
- edui
- GeorgeDittmarPortland
- georgeredingerequidyne
- gmarikUkraine
- greysunBeijing,China
- gxhrid
- jaaborotDOST-ASTI
- jbowles@ailgroup
- jlertleSaint Petersburg, FL, US
- jmptradertreasuris
- jwegis
- kimdogyun
- kozo2Tokyo, Japan
- kranthikumarUniversity of oklahoma
- lipaul
- mobydi
- nunolourencoUniversity of Coimbra
- palutzDecentralised
- rajkmsainiIIT Delhi, IIT Bombay, IIT Madras
- tiborkissTiko Energy Solutions AG
- timothyklim
- trycatcher
- vilherda
- vpereiraBWI GmbH
- vvydierSplunk, ex-New Relic, ex-Observe, A3V
- xiuqingyao
- ZungBangIsrael