
module 3 assignment for game using html and javascript, no css

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Our 3rd Module for the bootcamp, we created a robot gladiator game using only Javascript and HTML.

What's the point of this project?

The point of this project was to introduce us to Javascript. By working with very minimal HTML and no CSS, we were pushed into using almost exclusively Javascript to build this RPG. The prompts show you who's turn it is, how much health you have, the money you currently have and allows you to go to the store to replenish your health.

What did I learn in this module?

  • Managed time and focus by tracking bugs and feature requests in GitHub issues
  • Intelligently prioritized GitHub issues
  • Validated player input prior to operating on it
  • Refactored for simplicity and maintainability
  • Used a recursive function
  • Distinguished and converted between number and string types
  • Learned how to persist data in the browser using local storage

Where can I find this?
