
tmplt is a tool to expand (interpolate) GO templates.

For example given a template like The secret {{thycotic 37027 "Password"}} is fetched from Thycotic. running tmplt -provider thycotic -url -u <user> -p <password> -t template.txt produces The secret xxxx is fetched from Thycotic. on stdout.

For more examples see tmplt -h

Compared to Helm this tool provides more functions;

  • access environment
  • access secrets stores's (currently Thycotic and AZ Key Vault)
  • etc (Note Since Helm v3 it's even more difficult to replace this tool with Helm as they made Render private. There is discussion around plugins for rendering however since more people have this requirement)

Compared to Kustomize this tool allows to expand the same template multiple times.


0.1.0 the sprig functions are included.

0.2.2 -a flag support that allows the same template to be deployed multiple times

0.3.0 {{ .Files }} support

0.4.0 {{ toToml toYaml fromYaml toJson fromJson }} support

0.5.0 --set-file support, clean-up, unit-tests.

0.6.0 --provider support for Azure Key Vault, tool rename to 'tmplt'. Note: this version is not backwards compatible. For interaction with Thycotic --provider=thycotic needs to be set explicitly (this used to be implicit when providing -u -p).

Limitations/known issue's

Formatting (1)

When using {{ (.Files.Glob "*.yaml").AsConfig }} the content is formatted nicely as long as it doesn't contain \r, \t or # characters.

Including such a characters results in content being formatted as a quoted string like this: "package kubernetes.admission\n\n# deny if Pod spec (init)container(s)"

Formatting (2)

With -a templates are concatenated. But when a template doesn't end with a \n the next template is continued on the same line. This is almost never what's expected. Current work-a-round is to be carefull to end templates with \n. It would be nice to have the tool automatically insert those \n however.

To do's

Add --set key=value

Allow for more then one --set or --set-file on the cli

Add more unit-test; thycotic.

Read -t (template) or --set from stdin. This would allows us to create pipelines curl -s | jp "[?type=='IssuesEvent'].payload. {Title: issue.title, URL: issue.url, User: issue.user.login, Event: action}" \ | tmplt -t event-html.tpl -v -


Run tmplt -h for help.

Run tmplt -a test04.yaml with

cat test04.tpl
{{ }} says hello {{ .Values.audience }}!


cat test04.yaml
- test04.tpl
  audience: world
    lead: pipo

produces: 'pipo says hello world!'

Run thycotic -url -u <thycoticuser> -p <password> -t test.txt -v 5 -alsologtostderr true with

cat test.txt
The password {{thycotic 123456 "Password"}} is fetched from Thycotic

produces: 'The password SuPeRsEcReT is fetched from Thycotic'



Install the GO toolchain and run make build to build Windows, Mac and Linux binaries.


Thycotic 9.1 and later support REST API's, from 10.1 docs are available. We currently (Nov 2017) run 9.0 and therefore have to use the SOAP interface.

To generate the Thycotic SOAP interface:

  1. Get gowsdl go get
  2. Get Thycotic wdsl >thycotic.wsdl
  3. Generate code gowsdl -o thycotic.go -p thycotic thycotic.wsdl
  4. Fix code according to README-generate-from-wsdl

More info on Thycotic API:


  1. git commit changes
  2. Run VERSION=v0.x.y ARTIFACTORY_APIKEY=xxxx make release
  3. git push origin master --tags