
Integrate Doxygen-generated html docs into Qt Creator tooltips

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Integrate Doxygen-generated html documentation into Qt Creator tooltips.


If you use Qt Creator IDE and Doxygen, you can include the documentation of your API into Qt Creator. You need to set the following tags in your Doxyfile :

QHP_NAMESPACE      = "my_namespace"
QCH_FILE           = "path/to/my_docs.qch"
QHG_LOCATION       = "path/to/qhelpgenerator"

When running Doxygen, this will generate an index.qhp file in your html directory and execute qhelpgenerator to compile it into Qt Help format (the my_docs.qch file). You can then import this file into Qt Creator (Tools/Options/Help/Documentation) to have your docs available using F1.

The problem is that you wont get your docs brief's inside Qt Creator tooltips if you hover over a class method or variable.

What this script does

Qt Creator uses special markers to retrieve class/method brief from html docs. The doxygen2qtcreator.py looks for documented classes in your Doxygen html directory and inserts these markers (html comment tags) at the begining and ending of a class/method brief documentation.

When compiling your docs, Qt Creator will find these markers and include your docs in the tooltips.

How to use it

After running Doxygen, you need to run the script specifying the path to the html directory :

python doxygen2qtcreator.py HTMLDIR

You can then use Qt's qhelpgenerator tool to compile to Qt Help format :

QTDIR/bin/qhelpgenerator HTMLDIR/index.qhp -o my_docs.qch

And finally you can import my_docs.qch into Qt Creator.

Notice that you may disable the tags QCH_FILE and QHG_LOCATION in your Doxyfile since you will be generating the QCH file yourself.


python doxygen2qtcreator.py [-h] [-o OUTDIR] [-f FILE] [-q] [htmldir]

positional arguments:
  htmldir               Doxygen html directory (defaults to current directory)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        output directoy (defaults to htmldir)
  -f FILE, --file FILE  process only the specified file(s) (htmldir will be
  -q, --quiet           decreases output verbosity (shows only errors)


The script serves it purpose but it is not heavily tested. I've only tested it with Doxygen's default html layout.

Feel free to contact me if you have ideas on how to improve it.

Tested with Doxygen 1.8.10 and Qt Creator 3.5.0.