
Dynamic compilation methods

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Methods for live coding (dynamic recompilation without rebooting the world) in Haskell.

ghci + :set -fobject-code


Existential types

Internal type SomeEntity declared with the help of -XExistentialQuantification and manipulated generically with -XRankNTypes functions

data SomeEntity = forall e. Entity e => SomeEntity e


GADT encoded existential types

Identical with previous except we use -XGADTs instead of -XExistentialQuantification for the definition of SomeEntity

data SomeEntity where
  SomeEntity :: forall e. Entity e => e -> SomeEntity


Church encoded existential types (-XRankNTypes and -XImpredicativeTypes)

∃ x. P(x) = ∀ r. (∀ x. P(x) → r) → r

data Entity e = Entity e (e -> Int) (Int -> e -> e)

type SomeEntity = forall x. (forall e. Entity e -> x) -> x

_Note:_ This no longer works in GHC 8...


Data.Dynamic encoding (Typeable + Any + unsafeCoerce)

We need to keep the object and every method separately wrapped in Dynamic, and then use dynApp to write abstract functions. dynApp does dynamic type checking under the hood.

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} 

data SomeEntity = SomeEntity Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic

mkSomeEntity :: forall e. Entity e => e -> SomeEntity
mkSomeEntity e = SomeEntity (toDyn e) (toDyn (_health :: e -> Int))
                                      (toDyn (_attack :: Int -> e -> e))

Dynamic works like a built in dependent pair indexed by Typeable.


In the srcidr folder there is an Idris implementation with dependent types.

We use dependent pairs (sigma types), and the user supplied generic actions just take an explicit extra argument (e : Type) in order to make them polymorphic.

Host : Type
Host = SortedMap Key (t : Type ** (Entity t, t))

foldWorld : Monoid m => Host -> ((t : Type) -> Entity t -> Key -> t -> m) -> m
foldWorld w f = foldl f' neutral (toList w)
  where f' m (k, (t ** (i, e))) = m <+> f t i k e