
Simple PHP script to secure a host/directory/site delivered with apache by sending a mail with a token. A cookie is created to access these site which is valid for a defined time. Works also with phpmyadmin.

Primary LanguagePHP


Simple PHP script to secure a host/directory/site delivered with apache by sending a mail with a token. A cookie is created to access these site which is valid for a defined time. Works also with phpmyadmin.

The idea is, that it is much over the top to have a two-factor-auth with a smartphone app or SMS, if you just want to secure e.g. phpmyadmin from access of everyone from the internet to a limited list of users with email addresses.

The two-factor-auth works by sending an email to one of pre-defined mail addresses. After the token has been sent with a web-form, a cookie is created in the browser. The server checks if the cookie is correct and has not expired on the server side. The expiration time can be defined (default: 10 hours).

On every request the cookie authenticiation is executed. When the authentication is valid, the secured site is shown directly with apache. Otherwise, a rewrite to the login script id executed by apache.

This script works well for me using an SMTP server.

Work, that could be done:

  • configuration to work with sendmail or other methods
  • Translation ?
  • Improve design
  • Refactoring etc...


(For Linux / Ubuntu, other platforms might differ)

1. install PHP 7.0 or newer

2. get composer (can be done in the directory to be secured or in another directory):

    wget https://getcomposer.org/installer
    php installer
    rm installer
    php composer.phar require mdi22/two-factor-auth-mail

3. copy all files (or at least the following) to the directory that has to be secured:

  • vendor/mdi22/two-factor-auth-mail/twoFactorLogin.php
  • vendor/mdi22/two-factor-auth-mail/apacheCheckTwoFactor.php
  • vendor/mdi22/two-factor-auth-mail/twoFactorConfig.ini.dist
  • the vendor/ directory

The script apacheCheckTwoFactor.php is needed by apache globally and can be copied to a separate place, or just be used in its original place, if multiple sites must be secured on the server.

4. Create a secrets file like e.g. "twofactorSecrets" in that directory and make sure it can be accessed by apache.

E.g. in Ubuntu bash:

    cd /var/www/my/dir/to/secure
    touch twofactorSecrets
    chgrp www-data twofactorSecrets;  # ubuntu specific, group might also be apache2 etc.
    chmod g+rw twofactorSecrets;

In the Ubuntu phpmyadmin package, the right directory is /usr/share/phpmyadmin

5. Move twoFactorConfig.ini.dist to twoFactorConfig.ini and set your configuration accordingly.

Set the absolute path to the secrets file you created at the bottom.

Lines starting with ";" are comments.

6. Add a .htaccess file to the directory OR edit the Apache <VirtualHost> config OR <Directory> config

Hint: In Ubuntu phpmyadmin default installations in /usr/share/phpmyadmin, the <Directory> directive in /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf has to be used.

Add the following lines to the acording file and change the path to the secret file in RewriteCond:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond ${TwoFacAuth:%{HTTP_COOKIE};
        /var/www/html/mysite/twoFactorSecrets} !^OK.*
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ twoFactorLogin.php [L,QSA]
    ## Debug Rule: (replace RewriteRule above):
    ## RewriteRule ^(.*)$ twoFactorLogin.php?a=${TwoFacAuth:%{HTTP_COOKIE};/var/www/html/mysite/twoFactorSecrets}} [L,QSA]

You can also have a look at htaccess-example in vendor/mdi22/two-factor-auth-mail/.

7. Only for phpmyadmin:

Add a second RewriteCond directive directly below the first one. This will ensure the two-factor-cookie will not be overridden by phpmyadmin:

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} phpMyAdmin=(.*)

Unfortunately, the phpmyadmin site has to be loaded twice, but that's the only disadvantage of that solution.

8. Define a Rewite Map in Apache - this can be done globally or in your VirtualHost or Directory configuration where you made the definitions above. This can not be done in .htaccess!!

Change the path accordingly to your apacheCheckTwoFactor.php.

    # enable 2-factor-auth
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteMap TwoFacAuth "prg:/my/path/vendor/mdi22/two-factor-auth-mail/apacheCheckTwoFactor.php"

You can also have a look at apacheConf-example in vendor/mdi22/two-factor-auth-mail/.

9. Reload Apache

Now, when accessing the site, first the two-factor-login site is shown. When typing in the right token, a cookie is created with access to the real site.


    systemctl reload apache2


    /etc/init.d/apache2 reload


Change the last Apache RewriteRule to the commented rule in 6)

Now, if you add "?debug=1" to your URL in the browser, the error messages of apacheCheckTwoFactor.php are displayed in the web interface if the authenitication fails.

Help for improvement is welcome!