
Simple docker lita bot container

Primary LanguageRuby


You may want a simple container to start playing with lita.

This is an IRC lita container, but you could easily updated it for any other lita-adapters.

If you want to use IRC you should change the following to something in the lita_config.rb:

  config.robot.adapter = :irc
  config.adapters.irc.server = "irc.freenode.net"
  config.adapters.irc.channels = ["#ACHANNELYOUWANTOCHANGE"]
  config.adapters.irc.user = "botbot"
  config.adapters.irc.realname = "botbot"
  config.adapters.irc.password = "nopenotme"
  config.adapters.irc.cinch = lambda do |cinch_config|
    cinch_config.max_reconnect_delay = 123


Pre-step, clone down the repo:

git clone http://github.com/jjasghar/docker-lita
cd docker-lita

First, edit the Gemfile to have the lita plugins you want.

Second, configure the lita_config.rb for the plugins you want. (I've put the one's I like by default.)

Third, you should build the image yourself.

docker build -t="$USER/docker-lita" .

After it's built, all you have to do is:

docker run --name='litabot' -d $USER/docker-lita

Now you should see your bot in your channel within a couple seconds.

If you want to add a plugin or what not, do a docker stop litabot add the gem to the Gemfile then build again.

Then start it up and you should be good to go.


If you have any suggestions or ideas to help I'm all ears. This was created to just get a docker container standardized for the IRC bots I run. I wanted to pull things off Heroku and this was an easy way to have everything self contained.