
Rails5 + GraphQL + React Sample App

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails5 + GraphQL + React Sample App with JWT auth

rails graphql react travis

This is a sample app I'm building to play around with and learn using Rails5 API features, GraphQL, and working with a completely separate React front-end client.

I'm not using any of the webpacker or webpack-rails features, making this a pure Rails API and a pure React client. The API and client live in separate subdirectories in this repo.

What's included

  • Postgres database integration
  • JSON Web Token authentication
  • UUIDs for database objects
  • Rails application template, including template files and rc file (under development)
  • React+Apollo client supporting sign up, login, and logout with JWTs (initialized via create-react-app)


  • create mutations for the authorization part (create user, login, logout, etc)
  • set up Pundit for authorization stuff
  • create the React + Apollo client
  • handle login, logout, token refresh, etc, in React app
  • add pagination for collections
  • document everything
  • add mutations for Posts and Comments

Running the app

First, make sure you foreman installed globally:

gem install foreman

(Make sure to install at least version 0.84)

Then you start it up with:

foreman start

This starts up both the rails server running on port 3001 and the webpack-dev-server running on port 5000. The webpack-dev-server proxies requests to the rails server via an entry in package.json:

  "proxy": "http://localhost:3001",

Inside the react client, the graphql endpoint then is pretty simple, just set to /graphql.


The Rails app is only an API, it does not handle anything that would be delivered by some other means. This also means that the GraphiQL development front end is not available. Instead, I've been using a stand-alone GraphiQL client, https://github.com/skevy/graphiql-app.