
JACDAC Module Development Kit

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

JACDAC Module Development Kit (MDK)

The JACDAC Module Development Kit (MDK) is for 3rd party hardware designers, firmware developers and manufacturers who wish to create their own JACDAC modules.

A JACDAC module communicates with other modules over the JACDAC bus using the JACDAC protocol. A module has one (or more) JACDAC edge connectors for connecting it to other modules using JACDAC cables. It may supply power to the bus and/or consume power from the bus.

A common realization of a JACDAC module is a printed circuit board (PCB) that includes a microcontroller unit (MCU) connected to a set of on-board components (sensors and/or actuators), chosen by the 3rd party. The MCU firmware exposes these components via services, advertised over the JACDAC bus.

The JACDAC MDK supports 3rd parties in the following steps:

  1. choosing on-board components and adding them to the JACDAC module design;
  2. identifying the services to represent the chosen components;
  3. building the firmware to expose the components on the JACDAC bus;
  4. validating the module;
  5. manufacturing the module;
  6. adding the module to the JACDAC catalog;

Our current hardware/firmware design and implementation targets the STM32x0 family of MCUs, including support for the JACDAC bootloader service, which allows updating of the module’s firmware. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of the STM32x0-based hardware design and firmware, which will greatly simplify the above steps.

More information

  • debugging tools and tips
  • adding new services is covered in README.md of jacdac-c
  • detailed JACDAC requirements, for those who which to pursue realizations of JACDAC modules using other MCUs or alternatives to MCU.


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