- 0
LTSA.ltsa : When embedding dimension is greater than number of neighbers of a point
#101 opened by yenapple - 3
flann/flann.hpp: No such file or directory
#95 opened by liubaoryol - 0
- 2
Make test failed with ERROR: Failure: ImportError (No module named _check_build
#99 opened by ffancheng - 0
- 0
TODO Future projects
#47 opened by mmp2 - 1
Conda package: broken or missing pyflann dependency
#94 opened by mosco - 1
can it be used on Windows?
#93 opened by Sandy4321 - 0
Manifold dimension in rmetric computation
#92 opened by sjkoelle - 3
- 1
how to choose parameters for megaman
#88 opened by hainguyenct - 2
different results with the same input
#86 opened by hainguyenct - 1
errors in OSX and Ubuntu, when `from megaman.embedding import SpectralEmbedding`
#84 opened by michael135 - 2
- 2
errors when running "make test"
#82 opened by hainguyenct - 2
cannot import megaman.geometry
#83 opened by hainguyenct - 6
Megaman benchmarks
#79 opened by mattare2 - 2
test break on numpy1.11 with openblas
#60 opened by Jerryzcn - 3
Cyflann - ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'double' but got 'float'
#77 opened by SnowRipple - 2
- 1
perfomance improvements for ltsa
#75 opened by MInner - 0
Initialization for k_means_clustering
#73 opened by mmp2 - 8
Modified LLE?
#71 opened by lucapinello - 2
Python 3 compatibility
#68 opened by sachinruk - 8
rmetric test failed on my machine
#55 opened by Jerryzcn - 1
Clean up and documentation
#25 opened by jmcq89 - 3
- 0
TODO: organize the ipynb tutorials
#50 opened by jakevdp - 2
example workflow
#54 opened by hoyleb - 0
- 3
Inherit from ``sklearn.base``
#13 opened by jakevdp - 5
More generalized ``distance_matrix()``?
#22 opened by jakevdp - 9
- 5
#19 opened by jakevdp - 4
relative imports
#14 opened by jakevdp - 5