
Primary LanguageC

H1 Event Shape Analysis (MPIM, 2020)

.. note::  Please keep this README file up-to-date

Package structure
  * `Analysis` contains analysis code 

  * `Analysis/Steering` contains steering files for the analysis

  * `LumiFiles` contains the lumi files

  * ... add more here

How to run
A simple start is obtained by:
  * Set up H1 software release 4.1.1:  
   desygroupset h1

  * Check out repository `git clone https://<user>@stash.desy.de/scm/h1ana/eventshapesmpim.git`

  * Go to analysis directory `cd eventshapesmpim/Analysis`

  * Compile analysis code `make all` (two times?)

  * Run a first example with
    $ ../bin/x86_64-centos7-gcc9-opt/EventShapes -f Steering/es.em0405disMC13.steer  -c Data_Eminus0405_0  -n 10000 -o test.root 

Quick start
A complete set of control plots with a limited set of MCs, but with all 0304 data is obtained by running

  * `cd Analysis`, make analysis: `make all`

  * run a few jobs locally: `run_test_ep0304.sh`

  * wait for about 2 minutes

  * Merge files: `hadd -f merged.root Test0304Out/*.root`

  * plot files: `root -b -q plot_all.cxx`

.. note: H1 MC's include run-specific information. In this example, the MCs have only a few 
   selected runs, but not the entire run period. Therefore, correct control plots are only obtained
   when processing all MCs for a given runperiod (or alternatively performing a corresponding data selection).

Run full HERA-II analysis
  * Full HERA-II analysis: Run
    `./submit_HTC.sh jobname QUEUE_all.txt`

   * Full HERA-II analysis: Merge
    `hadd -f heraII.root jobname*/out*/*root`