
Replaces logstash in Dsiem deployment

Primary LanguageRust

Dsiem ES proxy

CI codecov

This tool replaces Logstash in Dsiem architecture by:

  • Implementing the scripted upsert functionality in 80_siem.conf, which is meant to avoid inserting duplicate entries for the same alarm into Elasticsearch, and to avoid updating status and tag fields if they've been updated through other means (e.g. Dsiem UI).

  • Upserting the default siem_alarms index template to Elasticsearch when there isn't one already exist.

An example of Dsiem architecture that completely replaces Logstash with Vector is shown in the diagram below. There is a docker compose deployment for it in here. The vector config files in particular have comments that further explain the setup.

flowchart TB

v3 -->|suricata alerts|es
v3 -->|normalized events|es
v3 -->|normalized events|df
ep -->|alarms|es

db -->|alarm_events|es
db -->|alarms|ep

s1 -->|eve.json|v3
s2 -->|syslog|v3

df -->|events through NATS|db

subgraph "Vector (Central)"

subgraph Source logs

subgraph Elasticsearch cluster

subgraph Dsiem frontend

subgraph Dsiem backend
 db[backend + vector]


How to test the example

  • Clone this repo:

    git clone https://github.com/mmta/dsiem-esproxy.git
  • Start the docker compose environment (replace eth0 with appropriate network interface):

    cd examples/elasticsearch
    export PROMISC_INTERFACE=eth0
    docker compose up
  • From another terminal in the same host, install Kibana dashboard:

    cd examples/elasticsearch
    ./kbndashboard-import.sh localhost ./kibana/dashboard-siem.json 
  • From another terminal in the same host, ping an external IP, and make sure the traffic goes through that network interface (e.g. eth0).

  • Open Kibana dashboard from http://localhost:5601, and verify that ping related alarms are created in the Dsiem dashboard.

Surrealdb version

There is another example that also replace Elasticsearch with Surrealdb in here.

  • Activate the compose environment:

    cd examples/surrealdb
    export PROMISC_INTERFACE=eth0
    docker compose up
  • From another terminal in the same host, ping an external IP, and make sure the traffic goes through that network interface (e.g. eth0).

  • After that, visit https://surrealist.app/ and use it to connect to:

Misc Info

  • Docker image is available from packages. Refer to the compose example on how to use it, and the CLI --help parameter to see all the valid arguments.

  • Use or review the Dockerfile on how to build the project.

    docker build . -t ghcr.io/mmta/dsiem-esproxy
    docker run --rm ghcr.io/mmta/dsiem-esproxy --help