
Customized ansible scripts used to deploy the local raspberry pi fleet

Primary LanguageJinja

Deployment Guides


  • Open wsl and generate an ssh key pair for ansible and (if it doesn't exist yet) a key pair for interactive ssh logons
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/ansible_ed25519 -N ""
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -N ""
  • Upgrade your local ansible installation to get the latest tool and plugin versions
sudo apt-get update && time sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo mkdir /mnt/ansible
sudo mount -t drvfs [Deployment scripts folder] /mnt/ansible -o metadata
# e.g.
sudo mount -t drvfs C:/Users/email_000/source/DeploymentScripts/ /mnt/ansible -o metadata

Raspberry Pi deployment guide


  • Download the latest Raspberry Pi OS lite image from https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/ and extract it to an SD card using etcher or get the Raspberry Pi Imager and create use that.

  • Once the SD card has been set up, create an empty file called ssh without any file extension in the root of the boot partition.

  • Put the sd card into the raspberry and power it on.

  • Connect to the pi with user pi and user raspberry to verify that the installation worked. Disconnect again.

  • Open hosts and add a new host entry for the raspberry. Set ansible_hosts for the entry to the target IP address, not the current one.

  • Run the raspi-bootstrap runbook to create a user for ansible.

cd /mnt/ansible
ansible-playbook raspi-bootstrap.yml --inventory ./inventories/production --ask-pass --extra-vars 'ansible_user=pi target=<ansible host>'

# When setting up a new pihole or if dns is not working the ansible_host parameter needs to be provided as well
ansible-playbook raspi-bootstrap.yml --inventory ./inventories/production --ask-pass --extra-vars 'ansible_user=pi target=<ansible host> ansible_host=<current ip>'
  • Verify that the setup succeeded by running ansible <ansible hostname> -m setup --inventory ./inventories/production

Run playbook

  • Check the variables and list of users to create in group_vars/raspi.yml
  • Run the playbook
cd /mnt/ansible
ansible-playbook --inventory ./inventories/production <Playbook>.yml

# the initial setup for a pihole should be limited to a specific target and may need their current IP provided. Afterwards the playbook can be executed normally
ansible-playbook --inventory ./inventories/production pihole.yml --limit <target host> --extra-vars 'ansible_host=<current raspberry IP> target_ip=<target IP>'

Unraid deployment guide


  • Install the unraid server
  • Go to Settings > Management Access and change the http port to something other than 80 if you want to use traefik as reverse proxy
  • Set up and start the array
  • Enable ssh in the unraid settings
  • Log in to unraid, go to Users > root
  • Copy the both public keys into the SSH authorized keys section
  • Install the python3 package from the apps section
  • Update the ansible_python_interpreter variable in inventories/[environment]/unraid.yml to point to the installed /usr/bin/pythonXX version
  • Install the Docker Compose Manager package from the apps section

Run playbook

  • Check the variables and list of users to create in inventories/[environment]/group_vars/unraid.yml
  • Test the connection to the unraid server
cd /mnt/ansible
ansible unraid --inventory ./inventories/production -m ping
  • Run the playbook
cd /mnt/ansible
ansible-playbook --inventory ./inventories/production unraid.yml