
Tournament engine for allowing little AI robots to do battle

Primary LanguageRuby

Robot Tournament

Robot Tournament is easist to install and run with Ruby Version Manager (RVM).. Please Install RVM if you don't already have it. See http://beginrescueend.com/rvm/install/

Create and use the 'robot_tournament' gemset rvm --create gemset use robot_tournament

Install Bundler gem install bundler

Install the bundle bundle install

Start the server like this:


That starts the tournament engine, where you can host battles between rival teams' robots. Robots are built by programmers and have to conform to a simple protocol:

  • uploaded as zip file
  • zip file contains a single folder in the root from which the robot will take it's name
  • the folder contains an executable file, 'move' which will be called by the tournament engine when the robot needs to make a move

See the features for examples, or the folder 'examples'

Use the following command to create and start a tournament:

./bin/create_tournament --name "battle royale" --rounds 5 --duration 10 --game rock_paper_scissors

The idea is to practice and encourage the XP principle of 'release early, release often' by rewarding early competitors with points.

People Who've Run This Session

If you run a session, please send a pull request with a link to a write-up.