
This is an articles API that create, fetch, search, delete, update and rate articles.

Primary LanguagePHP

About Project

This is an articles API that create, fetch, search, delete, update and rate articles. Authentication was implemented on endpoints that requires a user to create, update or delete an article using Laravel Passport. A user is thus required to pass the bearer token to these endpoints.

The endpoints for authentication:

Register a new user

Method - POST
Body - name, email, password

Login an existing user

Method - POST
Body -email, password

The endpoints for articles:

Create an article

Method – POST
Body – title, body

Get articles

Method – GET

Get an article

Method – GET

Update an article

Method – PUT
Body - title, body

Delete an article

Method – DELETE

Rate an article

Method – POST
Body - rating (must be between 1 - 5)

Search for article

Method – GET

To get started:

  • clone or download source code (unzip)
  • cd to project folder
  • Set database credentials in .env file
  • Run composer install
  • Run php artisan migrate for migrations
  • Run php artisan passport:install to set up encryption keys to generate tokens
  • Run php artisan serve to test endpoints
  • You can run php artisan db:seed to work with existing data