
Primary LanguageGo

Drone Navigation Service (DNS)

This is a drone navigation service whose primary goal is to help a drone retrieve the location of a databank.


  • There are sectors of galaxies (referred to sectors here) that when passed coordinates (x,y and z) and velocity, can return locations of databanks on these sectors.
  • A JWT is used to authenticate requests to the endpoint.
  • A droneID is part of the JWT claims.
  • The droneID can then be used to retrieve the drone details (from a database) which contain most importantly, the sectorID needed to calculate the location. This retrieval is mocked in this service.

Likely Use Cases

  • A drone can be embedded with a JWT that can be used to retrieve location of a databank
  • A drone can authenticate with DNS, generate a JWT that can be used to make a call to retrieve location of a databank


  • Make a GET call to /locations with query parameters (coords and velocity). Please see postman collection in postman folder
  • Pass a bearer token containing droneID as part of its claims. You can generate one here - http://jwtbuilder.jamiekurtz.com/
  • Please note that retrieval of drone details is mocked in internal/db.go to return a constant value. A furistic implementation would be to use a relational database where sectors are stored (with the id set as primary key) and then, the function in internal\db.go can query the DB to return the sectorID
  • This endpoint should return a response in this form
    "loc": 113.23999999999998


$  go build -o main ./cmd/drones  

Running Tests

$ make test


$ make run 


$ docker build -t drones-api .    
$ docker run -p 8000:9064 drones-api

OpenAPI Spec

The OpenAPI spec for this service can be found in the open-api.yaml file. Upload to https://editor.swagger.io/ to view.

Postman Collection

The Postman collection can be found in the postman folder