
An API developed to easily get current farm prices of different in the Nigerian agricultural market. API was developed using slim v3

Primary LanguagePHP


An API developed to easily get current farm prices of different in the Nigerian agricultural market. API was developed using slim v3

I have added a sample database data in the src/db/ folder. Simply import.

Clone this repo and call these endpoints using the defined RESTFul methods

POST '/api/v1/user/new' Pass: {'name' => 'name', 'state' => 'state', 'about' => 'about'} - Add a farmer

GET '/api/v1/user/{id}' - Get details of a farmer

POST '/api/v1/farm/produce/new' - Pass : {'name' => 'name', 'description' => 'description'} Add a farm produce

POST '/api/v1/farm/produce/add/price' - Pass : {'userId' => 'userId', 'produceId' => 'produceId', 'pricePerKg' => 'pricePerKg'}- Add price for a farm produce

PUT '/api/v1/farm/produce/add/price' - Pass : {'userId' => 'userId', 'produceId' => 'produceId', 'pricePerKg' => 'pricePerKg'} Update farm price

GET '/api/v1/farm/produce/price/{id}' - fetch prices of a particular produce

GET '/api/v1/farm/produce/list' - fetch all produces

Keep in touch: radioactive.uche11@gmail.com