An API developed to easily get current farm prices of different in the Nigerian agricultural market. API was developed using slim v3
I have added a sample database data in the src/db/ folder. Simply import.
Clone this repo and call these endpoints using the defined RESTFul methods
POST '/api/v1/user/new' Pass: {'name' => 'name', 'state' => 'state', 'about' => 'about'} - Add a farmer
GET '/api/v1/user/{id}' - Get details of a farmer
POST '/api/v1/farm/produce/new' - Pass : {'name' => 'name', 'description' => 'description'} Add a farm produce
POST '/api/v1/farm/produce/add/price' - Pass : {'userId' => 'userId', 'produceId' => 'produceId', 'pricePerKg' => 'pricePerKg'}- Add price for a farm produce
PUT '/api/v1/farm/produce/add/price' - Pass : {'userId' => 'userId', 'produceId' => 'produceId', 'pricePerKg' => 'pricePerKg'} Update farm price
GET '/api/v1/farm/produce/price/{id}' - fetch prices of a particular produce
GET '/api/v1/farm/produce/list' - fetch all produces
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