
This is a ficitious ethereum project to help learn about ethereum.

Primary LanguagePython

Airport Noise Monitor Project


In the United State, the FAA has recently adjusted the flight-path algorithms to allow airplanes to fly lower and fly more-consistent routes, during final approach to landing. The inintended consequence is such that the airline traffic is much more concentrated along a narrow strip of land. Home-owners in those areas are very-negatively impacted with noise pollution.

Most airports create a noise-complaint process whereby homeowners can report excessively loud airplanes or excessive noise during night-time hours. While this is great in theory, it's highly subjective and difficult to capture the information necessary to report a noise complaint.

We propose that an array of home-owner bought noise-monitoring sensors could accurately capture an offending airplanes noise (in decibals) and report the data to a central database. With hundreds of such sensors along the final-approach-path of a nearby airport, it would be possible to accurately track excessive noise pollution.

A contract will be deployed for each airport. In this project, we will use the Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI).
This will be set as a state variable in the constructor. The contract will also allow home-owners to register their sensor and then add noise complaints.

I recognize that this might be the worlds worst practical use-case for ethereum, but there's one compelling reason that ethereum adds and it's in the truth-keeping. Data can't be altered or doctored. Granted, the sensor can doctor it all it wants, but that's a problem for some government regulations department.

Pre-Requisites and Assumptions and Make-Believe

In this imaginary project, we have a IoT sensor that can be deployed cheaply and easily to interested home-owners. Homeowners will need to register the device. The registration process will force the homeowner to complete some basic details about themselves and pick form a list of airports. We will one one contract instance per airport. This process will also call the contract to Add/Update it's sensor registration into the contract. For the purpose of this project, let's pretend the sensor will have local 'config' that will hold something similar to:

	contractAddress: 0xb61a1675eebb38a1fe16c2d724c0a0ac47529cf9,
	sensorAddress: 0x67719186b640f0cf1a30c1f9f11ffc4f8370045e,
	rpcUrl: ""
	name: "Mike Murphy",
	email: "mmurphy384@yahoo.com",
	streetAddress1: "123 Elm Street",
	streetAddress2: "",
	city: "Some City",
	province: "MD",
	country "US",
	thresholdDb: 30

The sensor will automaticaly determine it's GPS longitude and latitude. Each time the sensor it powered up, it will re-register itself with the contract which will set the longtitude and latitude. The sensor is capable of monitoring air-plane noise and recording the peak noise in decibals. If the noise exceeds a threshold, it is capable of making an rpc call to an ethereum contract that will record the event.

Brainstorming Contract Needs - WORK IN PROGRESS

Within the contract, we will need a struct to define the sensor and an array to hold all of those sensors. We'll also need public functions to addUpdate sensor, addComplaint.

pragma solidity ^0.4.5;

contract Located {

    string  airportCode;

    function Located(string code) {
        airportCode = code;
    function getAirportCode()  returns (string) {
        return airportCode;


contract Owned {
    address owner;
    function Owned () {
        owner = msg.sender;
    function getOwner() returns (address) {
        return owner;

contract NoiseTracker is Located, Owned {
	struct Sensor {
		address addr;
		uint longitude;
		uint lattitude;
		uint dateLastRegistered;

	struct Complaint {
		address sensorAddr;
		uint epochTime;
		uint longitude;
		uint lattitude;		
		uint noiseDb;

	mapping (address => Sensor ) sensors;

	mapping (address => Complaint) complaints;

    function getLocation() constant returns (string) {
        return Located.airportCode;

    function getContractOwner() constant returns (address) {
        return Owned.getOwner();

	function addSensor(address _sensor, uint _longitude, uint _lattitude)  {
	    //add only if it doesn't already exist


	function addComplaint(uint noiseDb) {

    function () payable {}
