Perform sentiment analysis and keyword extraction on Craigslist listings
I love Craigslist. I've found most of my housing situations through Craigslist and despite the occasional mix up with a stranger1 I always find better prices there and interesting individuals. However, I find it exhausting to browse Craigslist and parse the sometimes poorly written or overly lengthy postings. I don't mind reading someone's well-thought-out description of their home and ideal roommate, but I do mind wasting time reading aggressive posts clearly written by emotionally distant landlords.
So I came up with the idea of using sentiment analysis in order to determine whether the author of the posting is positive. I only want to live with positive people so this helps me greatly. In addition, this program gathers keywords from the listing to help you get a sense of what they are describing. It also shows you the price for reference.
I will be adding more features such as an email drafter to further automate the process of setting up transactions.
Made with 💖 by Mark
Install python and clone this repo
Open a command prompt
Install dependencies via requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
My intention is to provide a tool that can help aid the common sense of the user. This informed my choice of the Apache License. This tool is not a turn-key solution to online safety nor does it claim to be. This tool should not subsitute the use of Craigslist's safety toolkit.
I wore a mask to my meeting with the landlord and was immediately cussed out because of the mask and told to leave. Too bad it was such a great deal 👎 ↩