
Dex is a social media/peers platform app built with NextJS and Supabase. It allows users to leave reviews and ratings for their peers in various ways, including comments.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Getting Started


A Social Media / Peers App with NextJS Supabase, i made for an onboarding project


Notable Features

  • Keyword analysis using Fulltext search with postgresql
  • Secured database using Supabase Database Policies
  • Supabase Edge functions using Deno
  • Lazy loaded image gallery /


1. Create a new supabase project

2. Initialize Supabase Tables | Policies | Functions

  1. Go to the Project Source File > supabase > initialize.sql and
    scan through all the queries and replace some values relative to your supabase project ex. {YOUR SUPABASE PROJECT URL HERE} then copy the all of sql queries then paste it to supabase > sql editor

    This will create all of the database configs like table for the project

  2. Go to Database > Extensions > Enable HTTP Extension

    This project uses this http extension to automatically delete post images when a post is deleted

  3. Go to Authentication > Providers > Email > Turn off Confirm Email

    We only use username and password for auth

  4. Add Supabase URL Project in next.config.js remote patterns to enable

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  images: {
    remotePatterns: [{ hostname: {YOUR SUPABASE URL HERE}, protocol: "https" }],

module.exports = nextConfig;

This for our post images so that nextjs allows then

3. Database Types | Deploye Edge Functions

Generate Database Types

  1. Install the Supabase CLI then login with your access token

  2. Run this command to generate Database Types

npx supabase gen types typescript --project-id 'YOUR SUPABASE PROJECT URL HERE' --schema public > types/db/db-generated-types.ts

Deploy Edge Funbctions

Using the supabase CLI you can deploy your edge function using

supabase functions deploy createpost --project-ref {YOUR SUPABASE PROJECT URL HERE}

4. Environment Variables and Dependencies

Fill out .env.local


Install project dependencies and run the project

npm install
npm run dev