
Data driven table component for Angular 2+

Primary LanguageTypeScript


dexih-ngx-table is an Angular (2+) component for building data driven tables.


  • Global Search/Filtering.
  • Column sorting (ascdending/descending)
  • Custom column formatting (such as string, numeric, date, code etc.)
  • Row single/multi selection with dynamic/hidden button selection.
  • Multiple template sections for customization.
  • Drag and drop re-ordering.
  • Save to csv file.


To install this library, run:

$ npm install dexih-ngx-table --save

There is also a depdency (for drag/drop) on the ng2-dnd library. To install this library, run:

$ npm install ng2-dnd --save

You will need also need bootstrap styles included (version 3/4). For example add this to your index.html header:

<!-- index.html -->
<link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">


Create an array of values containing the data:

public sampleTable = [
  { cell1: 'r1 cell1', cell2: 'r1 cell2', cell3: 'r1 cell3'},
  { cell1: 'r2 cell1', cell2: 'r2 cell2', cell3: 'r2 cell3'},
  { cell1: 'r3 cell1', cell2: 'r3 cell2', cell3: 'r3 cell3'},

Populate this data into the table as follows:

<dexih-table [data]="sampleTable">

For a quick demo and sample code refer to the following plnkr.

Using the Table Component

From your Angular AppModule:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// ** Import the TableModule **
import { DexihTableModule } from 'dexih-ngx-table';

  declarations: [
  imports: [

    // ** Import the TableModule **
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Once the library is imported, you can use it as follows:

<!-- Use the dexih-table selector to add the table to a template -->
<dexih-table [data]="sampleTable">

Populating the Table

Data can be populated on the table through a static array or observable array.

For static array use the Data property as follows:

public sampleTable = [
  { cell1: 'r1 cell1', cell2: 'r1 cell2', cell3: 'r1 cell3'},
  { cell1: 'r2 cell1', cell2: 'r2 cell2', cell3: 'r2 cell3'},
  { cell1: 'r3 cell1', cell2: 'r3 cell2', cell3: 'r3 cell3'},
<dexih-table [data]="sampleTable">

For an observable array use the tableData property as follows:

private _tableData = new BehaviorSubject<Array<DataModel>>(null);
tableData: Observable<Array<DataModel>> = this._tableData.asObservable();

ngOnInit() {
  let date = new Date();

  let data = new Array<DataModel>();
  data.push(new DataModel(1, 'row3', new Date('2001-01-01'), date, true, 'code ...', 'tip 1', 'fa fa-spin fa-cog'));
  data.push(new DataModel(2, 'row2', new Date('2001-01-01'), date, true, 'code ...', 'tip 2', 'fa fa-spin fa-cog'));
  data.push(new DataModel(3, 'row1', new Date('2001-01-01'), date, true, 'code ...', 'tip 3', 'fa fa-spin fa-cog'));

<dexih-table [tableData]="tableData">

Formatting columns

Columns can be formatted in the table by passing an array of type Column to the table component through the columns property. If the columns property is not provided the columns will be the names of each property in in the data row.

The columns array can be constructed in your component as follows:

import { DexihTableModule, Column }  from 'dexih-ngx-table';


columns = [
  <Column> { title: 'Icon', iconClass: 'icon', tooltip: 'toolTip', width: '1%', align: 'center' },
  <Column> { name: 'intValue', title: 'Int Value', format: '' },
  <Column> { name: 'stringValue', title: 'String Value', format: '' },
  <Column> { name: 'dateValue', title: 'Date Value', format: 'Date' },
  <Column> { name: 'timeValue', title: 'Time Value', format: 'Time' },
  <Column> { name: 'boolValue', title: 'Bool Value', format: 'Boolean' },
  <Column> { name: 'codeValue', title: 'Code Value', format: 'Code' },

Then add the columns property to the table definition:

<dexih-table [data]="sampleTable" [columns]="columns">

The following properties can be hard coded in the column settings an apply to all rows:

  • title - the title to place in the table header.
  • format - if empty no formatting is done. Otherwise use:
    • Date - formats as local date.
    • Time - formats as local time.
    • DateTime - formats as local date & time.
    • Countdown - runs a countdown timer to a future date/time.
    • Boolean - formats as a checkbox.
    • Code - formats code.
  • width - the width to apply to the table column (e.g. 10%, 100px).
  • align (left, centre, right) - the text alignment for the column.

The following properties reference an property in the data row and are defined on a row by row basis:

  • name - value to populate the cell (this can be html formatted).
  • toolTip - value to use as a tooltip for the cell.
  • class - value to use as a css class for the cell.
  • iconClass - the data property to use as a icon (note: this will be placed before the name)

Formatting the Table

Sorting properties:

  • enableSort (true default, false) - Places a drop down at the top-right position of the table which allows column sorting selection.
  • enableManualSort (true, false - Adds a manual sort option, which when selected adds a dragable cell, which can be used to re-order rows.
  • sortColumn - Default column name to sort by.


  • enableFilter (true default, false) - Adds a search box at the top-right position of the table.

Enabling item selection properties:

  • enableMultiSelect (true, false default) - places a checkbox in the first column which can be used to select one or more rows.
  • selectedItems - An array of the items to be pre-selected when the table is populated (note, enableMultiSelect must be true).
  • keyColumn - The column property in the Data which is used to reference a selected item.
  • selectedKeyColumn - The column property in the selectedItems which is used to reference the selected property (this is the keyColumn if not specified).

Saving as Csv file properties:

  • enableSaveCsv (true, false default) - Adds a button to save the data to a local csv file.
  • csvFileName (default data.csv) - Default name of the csv file.

Table styling:

  • enableResponsive (true default, false) - Enable bootstrap responsive table (suitable for mobile devices).
  • tableClass (default table table-striped table-bordered table-hover) - Css class to apply to the table;

The following properties can be used to enable template areas of the table which can be customized with user controls:

  • enableActions (true default) - Displays a row actions section which is the first position on the top left of the table. This can be used for actions such as New.
  • enableMultiSelectActions (true, false default) - Displays a mutli-select section on the top left of the table, when one (or more) items are selected. This can be used for actions allowed on multiple items such as Delete.
  • enableSingleSelectActions (true default, false) - Displays a single-select section on the top left of the table, when one item is selected. This can be used for actions allowed one row only such as Open.
  • enableRowActions (true, false default) - Enables a section on the first cell (or after the checkbox) of the table, which can be used for custom controls.
  • enableRowStatus (true, false default) - Enables a section (after the rowAction) which can be used for custom controls.

The templates objects can be populated using ng-template tags within the dexih-table selection, as in the following sample:


    <ng-template #actions let-items="items">
        <!-- items contains an array of selected items -->
        <button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="selectedItems(items)">any items</button>

    <ng-template #rowAction select="rowAction" let-item="item">
        <!-- item contains the current row -->
        <button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="selectedItems(items)">seleted items</button>

    <ng-template #rowStatus select="rowStatus" let-item="item">
        <!-- item contains the current row -->
        row status - {{status[item]}}

    <ng-template #selectedItemAction select="selectedItemAction" let-item="item">
        <!-- item contains the selected row -->
        <button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="selectedItem(item)">single item</button>

    <ng-template #selectedItemsAction select="selectedItemsAction" let-items="items">
        <!-- items contains an array of the selected items -->
        <button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="selectedItems(items)">seleted items</button>


Table Events

The following events can be used to response to table actions:

  • rowClick (item containing row) - called when a row is clicked (excluding: checkbox, rowAction, rowStatus) column
  • selectedItemsChange (item containing selected items) - called when a row selection changes.
  • onSortChanged (array of sorted items) - called when a manual drag/drop sort is completed.

Events are used as follows in the dexih-table declaration:



Thanks to the jvandemo/generator-angular2-library which was used as the baseline to package and distribute this library.


MIT © Data Experts Group