This repo contains submissions of Team Surakshya for the IISc-Siemens Hackathon 2022
The following workflow has been used for the coding pipeline:
- In the command line, yolo object detection model has been run to detect people and gloves. The details on the model run can be found here: The model was not fully trained and did not perform well; further, the model was only implemented in the command line and the results have not been further continued down the coding pipeflow.
- The second part of the code is built in the python programming interface; Here, random instance generator is used to simulate detection of people and detection of gloves; if people are detected in the frame and gloves not detected, the model counts the instance. If the number of instances sequentially detected exceeds a threshold (threshold = 3), the code sends a notification. The code can be found in file. The binder launcher for the python file is:
- The third part of the coding pipeline consists of an interactive prototype for the front-end (what the user sees); made in Figma. The link to the Figma interactive prototype is presented here:
Project problem statement can be found here:
Product canvas:
Progress indicator:
Final presentation is available here:
Video Summary: