
Exercise #4. API of a game called Faster Than Light with rules defined by Game Master.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Code Sherpas FTL API project

Comments on the project

This project is based on specs and rules provided by a Game Master of "Faster Than Light" game. It aims to provide an API wich simulates simplified gaming experience, according to requirements of the customer.

How to run test suite

Open a terminal window. Chdir to the project's folder, run:

npm test

Test suite will include one test for each endpoint of this API.

  • Feature #1: Create a ship

  • Feature #2: List all ships

  • Feature #3: Shoots from A spaceship to B spaceship.

    B spaceship health decreases by 1 with each shoot received.

  • Feature #4: "health" paramenter cannot be negative.

  • Feature #5: Spaceships with "health" = 0 can't shoot.

  • Feature #6: Each spaceship must have its own weapon, wich will be responsible for shooting to other ships when required.

  • Feature #7: We add a generator to spaceships created, with some new attributes ( totalPower, powerNotInUse, totalRequiredPower ).

  • Feature #8: Implements the power calculations required. See original specification for details.

  • Feature #9: The Game Master should be able to set power-consumed-by-weapon.

Running the app

Open a terminal window. Chdir to the project's folder

Directly with npm ( Needs Node installed )


npm start

Endopoint description:

Assuming the project is running as delivered

  • Create a new ship

    POST http://localhost:3100/ships

    The only parameter to set is "health". If no value is provided, the request is discarded an the server responses with a 400 error.

    If you try to create a ship with health values out of range ( 0, 100 ), the request is discarded an the server responses with a 400 error.

    If there's any problem with the request. i.e corrupted or malfomed JSON, the API responses with an 400 error code and a short description of the problem.

// Example response for POST to http://localhost:3100/ships with a health value of 99.
	"status": "201 Created",
// Example response for POST to http://localhost:3100/ships with health > 100.
	"error": "<health> initial value out of range ( Should be less than 100 )"
// Example response for GET http://localhost:3100/ships
	"count": 2,
	"data": [
			"idx": 0,
			"health": 100,
			"totalPower": 100
			"idx": 1,
			"health": 90,
			"totalPower": 100
// Example response for GET http://localhost:3100/ships/0
	"health": 44,
	"weapon": {
		"powerConsumed": 20,
		"powerNeeded": 20
	"generator": {
		"totalPower": 100,
		"powerNotInUse": 100,
		"totalRequiredPower": 0

// Example response for GET http://localhost:3100/ships/3 (Not found)
	"error": "Ship not found in database."
  • Shoots

    POST http://localhost:3100/shoots

    We check if the ships (fromShip and toShip) exists in database. Both are required parameters. Requests without either of them will be rejected with a 400 error.

    Also you will get an error if parameters are present but there is no spaceship for that index in our database-array.

    If the "fromShip" has a health value = 0, it can't shoot. The API responses with a 400 status and a description of error.

// Example POST http://localhost:3100/shoots with valid parameters
	"fromShip": 0,
	"toShip": 2

// Response
	"statusCode": 200,
	"toShipHealth": 43

// Response if "fromShip" <health> value = 0
	"statusCode": 400,
	"error": "<fromShip> needs health > 0 to be able to shoot."
  • Set weapon consumed power

    PUT http://localhost:3100/ships/0

    The only allowed parameter is "weaponPower". It must be between 0 and spaceships's weapon-power-needed value. Otherwise, it will not be proccesed.

// Example PUT http://localhost:3100/ships with valid parameter
	"weaponPower" : 16

// Response
	"status": {
		"total-power": 100,
		"weapon-power-needed": 20,
		"power-consumed-by-weapon": 16,
		"power-not-in-use": 84

// Response if "weaponPower" value < 0
		"error": "Power value to asign must be equal or greater than 0."

// Response if "weaponPower" value > weapon-power-needed
	"error": "Trying to set weapon's power above allowed maximum: [20]."